how LONG should YOU wait BEFORE you move ON to a new RELATIONSHIP? - TopicsExpress


how LONG should YOU wait BEFORE you move ON to a new RELATIONSHIP? two WEEKS, two MONTHS, two YEARS, five YEARS?.... some MOVE to A new RELATIONSHIP, a NEW catch SO quickly BECAUSE FOR a while, THE NEW person THEY are HOOKING up WITH after YOU has BEEN in THE picture, they WERE just WAITING for you TWO to BREAK up or FOR you TWO to part AND they MOVE to the NEXT option, OR you WERE part of A list... THERE is no LAW as to HOW long ONE should TAKE before THEY start something NEW, PEOPLE heal DIFFERENTLY and AT different SPEEDS, SOME faster than OTHERS... BUT however LONG you TAKE, move TO the next RELATIONSHIP not to GET over YOUR ex, but BECAUSE the LOVE is TRUE.. MOVE on KNOWING you are NOT carrying memories, DESIRES AND anger FROM what YOU HAD with your used to BE lover.. commit TO a new RELATIONSHIP, not OUT of need TO have someone TO FILL THE created VOID at all cost and as SOON as possible, but LOVE for THE right REASONS. LOVE not WITH A broken heart BUT WITH a WHOLE heart... your NEW lover DESERVES the whole OF you, ALL your LOVE, freely GIVEN AND not COERCED. YOUR new LOVER should NEVER BE used as an ATTEMPT to get BACK at your ex, TO prove a POINT, to SEEK revenge OR TO show HOW quick YOUVE moved ON.. NO one WANTS to be A rebound... you KNOW you HAVE moved ON when YOU dont MISS your EX in ROMANTIC ways, WHEN you WONT feel JEALOUS if you SEE OR hear him/ her WITH another PERSON, WHEN you are NOT concerned ABOUT what HE/ SHE thinks ABOUT your LOVELIFE!... BUT when YOU constantly THINK of YOUR ex YET you ARE in a RELATIONSHIP/ MARRIAGE, IF your LOVER feels THEY are competing AGAINST the MEMORIES of YOUR ex, there is ROOM for concern!!
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 15:38:49 +0000

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