Had to Repost: Fr - TopicsExpress

   Had to Repost: Fr Tumblr Marian and Dingdong just got married last December 30, 2014 and it was indeed a splendid event and really deserved to be called “The Wedding Of The Year”. As we all know that their wedding costs a lot of money and mentioning about the cake that was announced in international news that won the record as the biggest wedding cake ever was really eye-capturing and some of us were even curious on how it tastes lilke. A lot of people were truly happy that they’re already married and even myself, I was also happy that they got married. Not because I was influenced by a lot of people to be happy about it but because of the reasons why they should be a role model to us teenagers which I’ll be discussing later on this post. Frankly, I hate how some haters would even dare to post their comments on social media accounts on how the wedding was really a waste of money and it wasn’t really practical, how both of the stars are uneducated people which is quite the opposite and how the world keeps on posting and talking about their wedding which make a lot of people get sick of it. So going back to my title, here are some of the reasons why DongYan shouldn’t be hated by a lot of people: They taught us that great things will come to those who wait. Nowadays, teenagers or women tend to get pregnant first before they get married and if we’re going to relate this to DongYan’s situation, they’ve waited for God’s perfect timing. It seems that today’s trending problem is that women should get pregnant first before they get married. Somehow, this couple brought inspiration to us girls and women that we should wait for the right time for us to experience happiness which Marian felt on her wedding day. Besides, it’s nice to hear from a lot of people that you got married because of love, not because of a baby. A person who’s head over heels with you will do a lot of effort to make you happy and make your wedding day or any occassion very special. We can’t deny this fact because a lot of us make surprises and do big efforts to make our significant other happy. Just seeing their eyes and lips smiling make us infinite, right? So in Dong’s situation, he was generous enough to spend a big amount of money for their wedding because he knows that a woman like Yan deserves a dream wedding in which she should really feel like a queen. As what I’ve mentioned above, a lot of people kept on posting about their complains that they’ve spent a lot of money just for a wedding. What are your problems earthlings?! For me, it was fine that they’ve spent millions for that very occassion since they’ve worked so hard to earn that money. They didn’t do any illegal things or even stole money from the government. I guess those are fine reasons not to complain about the huge figure of cash. Stop posting things like “They should have donate the money to the poor.”. As far as I know, the Bible stated that we should give 10% of our earnings to our brothers and sisters as tithes. I think that Yan already helped a lot of people in her own small ways like donating some important stuff for the Typhoon Yolanda victims and more. So it’s not DongYan’s fault if the majority of the population of the Philippines is starving. It’s our fault, people. If we only work so hard, try not to be lazy and try not to pull some people down; I think our country wouldn’t be one of the poorest countries in the world. Am I right? They taught us that there will always be true love. In my experience, I’ve already witnessed a thousand weddings of celebrities in television and here in the world wide web but I haven’t experienced a wedding that let me believe that there’s still hope for true love and forever does exist until this wedding of DongYan happened. Some couples today got married because of fame, money and power. But to DongYan, they were the exact opposite. They were an epitome of true love. They were destined to be together for the rest of their lives. Thus, if we only wait and don’t forget God, then great things will come to our lives which is accordance to His almighty plan. Marian taught us to be a woman of class and to be faithful to our significant other. We’ve already watched, heard and read a lot of news of celebrities hooking up and having their heartbreaks but to Marian, we didn’t hear such rumors. She taught us if we’re loyal and faithful to our other half and we’re classy and decent enough, then the right man will come and treat us right. I guess this also the same towards men. Some people say that “They keep on posting and announcing what happened on their wedding. They’re too proud about it.” Who wouldn’t be proud if you got married to the man/woman of your dreams and have to experience a wedding like that? Even the song entitled “Telling The World” by Taio Cruz says it all: Every part in my heart I’m giving out Every song on my lips I’m singing out Any fear in my soul I’m letting go And anyone who ask I’ll let them know She’s the one, she’s the one I say it loud She’s the one, she’s the one I say it proud Ring a bell, Ring a bell For the whole crowd Ring a bell, Ring a bell I’m telling the world That I’ve found a girl The one I can live for The one who deserves The reason why they’re on trending because they’re the hottest topic today and you haters kept on making them famous. You’re stating the obvious that you are all so insecure about it. And besides, it’s the reporters’ duties to find a lot of information about them which results to the trending updates. I’m not really a huge fan of the couple but I’m voicing out my opinions about these issues and I need to let these all out since I kept on thinking a lot about these rumors and gossips here online while I was eating my brunch and I think this is worth posting and sharing. In advance, I will take time to say sorry for those readers who will be offended in this post and I wanna say thank you for those readers who took time to finish reading this and who will agree with me. As what I’ve said, I’m just voicing out my thoughts.
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 23:09:15 +0000

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