UKIP are - TopicsExpress

   UKIP are rising on the ignorance of the masses, a tide of blatant right wing BBC propoganda, and bought votes by their super rich backers. They breed hate amongst us as if we were dogs fighting for scraps from their table; truly we should instead hate those rich who treat us like dogs. We live in a country where these links show the reality: theguardian/society/2013/may/15/recessions-hurt-but-austerity-kills We live in a country where people go online to raise uproar over the rich people who create the environment where child molestation and abuse of the disabled happens, then argue over which of the four main rich backed and rich controlled parties they should choose to make them beg like dogs. We the people need to rise up. The only party of any note which has policies geared to help the majority of the population is the only party which isnt bought and paid for by the rich; the Green Party. Just as the rich have backed those parties which will serve the rich upper classes, the people, the general population, need to back the only party which will serve their needs of the poor, the working, and the middle classes. The Green Party need our help. The Green Party need the support of those who wish to improve this god awful situation. Join them, share this post on your own and every page you can share it. Dont be embarrassed about doing whats right; the servants of the rich are never embarrassed by doing there bidding. Share, Like, Join, take off your leashes and stand up as human beings to fight for a right to sit at the table.
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 08:09:38 +0000

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