https://youtube/watch?v=2alnVIj1Jf8 Still on vacation in - TopicsExpress


https://youtube/watch?v=2alnVIj1Jf8 Still on vacation in Tennessee but I stumbled upon this video and felt the need to make a quick comment about it. The video is a social experiment where a woman schedules a few dates through a site called Tinder. When the dates arrive she is made up to look a lot heavier than her photos implied. Now I looked at the comments and saw people called the men jerks for leaving, as well as both genders saying that they needed to grow up. However, and I possibly will sound shallow for this but I think youll see why this is not for shallow reasons, I would have done the same thing. If I had a date show up looking drastically different from their profile pages, I would not want to continue a relationship with them. First of all, if they feel they need to lie about their appearance to anyone and everyone who sees their profile pictures, then what else may they possibly lie about? What would they be willing to hide from you in the future? Even as a stranger on a first date I would at least demand the respect that you present yourself as yourself and not as you were six months ago, a year ago, and so on. This has nothing to do with the weight or appearance of the person, after all beauty is in a eye of the beholder, but it has everything to do with the fact that, Wow, this is the first time were meeting in person and youve already lied to me about something. Sometimes looks do matter, in fact as a species looks are often the first sign we look for in a compatible mate, there are a lot of visual ques your appearance gives off that tell you if an individual is healthy and attractive, which to your brain translates to healthy genes that you want to pass on. When youre looking for an online date, often you only have looks to go on, and you have to determine by a few pictures and a short profile who you would like to test out a relationship with, hence why looks so matter with online dating. Now of course most of us dont think about genes when dating, but I would hope everyone thinks about the fact that if someone lies to you from the get-go, then they really are not worth going forward with. This opinion of mine also applies to their male version of this experiment, which I appreciate them doing so we can see both gender roles put into the same situation.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 08:08:54 +0000

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