https://youtube/watch?v=G790p0LcgbI ( 1 1 November 2 0 1 4 , - TopicsExpress


https://youtube/watch?v=G790p0LcgbI ( 1 1 November 2 0 1 4 , Tuesday ) - - Professor JONATHAN GRUBER of the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY - the Alma Mater of PAUL ENRON ADVISOR KRUGMAN , chief propagandist of The NEW YORK SLIMES - presenting some remarkably candid retrospective on the less - than - scrupulous enactment of the PATIENT PROTECTION AND AFFORDABLE HEALTH CARE ACT . No one with any perspective on the Legislative Process doubts that a bill as unpopular , as detrimental nor as grossly partisan as the P . P . & A . H . C . A . required far more than the usual combination of gratuities , bribes , coercion , flagrant dishonesty and shameless manipulation to gain passage . It IS , however , remarkable that Professor Gruber , one of the P . P . & A . H . C . A . s most overt proponents , would acknowledge this brazenly the corruption that was instrumental in its passage , and would further admit that the Administration and the President s Party - along with HusseinCare s active supporters - condescended to the Electorate [ e . g . , THE STUPIDITY OF THE AMERICAN VOTER . . . . in Gruber s uncompromisingly insulting lingo ] . It also reaffirms Chief Justice JOHN ROBERTS JR . s wisdom in observing that HusseinCare can not be justified via the CONSTITUTION s COMMERCE CLAUSE , and could only precariously be justified under THE POWER OF CONGRESS TO LAY AND COLLECT TAXES , which HusseinCare does in a big way . Any observer who entertained serious doubts about the P . P . & A . H . C . A . need only look to previous social welfare boondoggles enacted during the Roosevelt and Johnson Administrations - SOCIAL SECURITY [ 1 9 3 5 ] and particularly MEDICARE [ 1 9 6 5 ] - to see some discomfiting cautionary tales about the future of the Federal Government s intrusiveness , AND the cumulative costs . To say nothing of the consequences for Americans - some of whom , like M . S . N . B . C . drama queen DYLAN RATIGAN , voted for the Forty - Fourth President - who were given to understand that IF YOU LIKE YOUR HEALTH CARE , YOU CAN KEEP YOUR HEALTH CARE , an express misrepresentation [ in the contract lawyer s vernacular ] that has proven embarrassingly bogus . I m certainly grateful [ 1 ] that Mrs . Flanagan and myself still have a HIGH DEDUCTIBLE HEALTH PLAN [ H . D . H . P . ] and a HEALTH SAVINGS ACCOUNT [ H . S . A . ] provided by a PRIVATE SECTOR INSURER ; AND [ 2 ] that I never had to listen to a college professor with a voice and a delivery as insufferably awful as Jonathan Gruber s .
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 18:14:10 +0000

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