i am watching the second episode of the dangerous dog programme on - TopicsExpress


i am watching the second episode of the dangerous dog programme on tv and feeling both sad for the dogs and angry over the dickhead owners, why do we let this happen in this country? It is time we had a properly controlled licencing and neutering system and maybe some kind of dog ownership training and test in this coutry, if it was £ 100 a year for a licence I would pay it. Breeds like the Staffie have been destroyed by these useless owners and it is a great shame ,just like all these new designer dogs like Labradoodles nodody knows how they will turn out do they, and people are paying pedigree prices for mongrels. I apologise if this is a bit of a rant but I feel very angry about it., my own grandkids are scared stiff of dogs even my wonderful Flattie because of an experience with a badly trained Staffie, and they don`t know what they are missing.. I think if all responsible dog owners joined together as one voice then maybe something could be done, we need a national petition over this matter, if we get marches on London by people that waht to kill foxes for fun then surely we can make our voice heard. If anyone reading this has any experience with petitions I would be more than willing to get involved organising something to try and help. .Rant over for now, If you read this agree then let us see how many likes this post can get. Thank you for reading. Mick
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 21:36:35 +0000

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