i choose RED. my reason being that no matter how much i would love - TopicsExpress


i choose RED. my reason being that no matter how much i would love for them to be here with us again, i wouldnt want to see everybody i love go through the pain of losing them once again. so i take the money. what would i do with the money? Burn every last poorly printed shred of it. why? cuz no amount of money or any other worldly possession can make up for the loss of this loved one. human life is worth more than pieces of paper that we are lied to and told are worth so much more but truly mean so much less. the dead only ask of us one thing and one thing only.... to be remembered. so remember them fondly as they were, not how you wish them to be. cherish the memories you have of them and the times you spent together. do me a favor, if anybody would even care to wish me back from the dead, and dont bring me back! i am where i want to be. do me a favor and take the money. use it to do something for someone who is still living and could use a helping hand. use it to prove a point that money is meaningless unless you let it control you. your the one that gives that piece of paper meaning by feeling the need for it. do me a favor and remember that i would have chose death before dollar although i may have wanted life over death. stand for what is right and fight against what is wrong. think freely for yourself. do me these favors and you may just change the world and the way it thinks. you may just be the next bringer of peace. do me these favors and not just for me but for you, and for everybody weve lost, and for everybody we will lose, and for everybody youve lost and will lose, and particularly for the next generation of the ones who will be lost when we leave them with a broken world to live in. but remember you will one day be dead. along with me, and your loved ones, and everybody else. death is the only certainty we are givin in life. and what is it, the only thing we as the dead ask for? only to be remembered. so... i guess i ask now. how will you be remembered if at one point you may have had the power, but more importantly the opportunity, to change the world and the way we, and future generations live in it? will you be remembered?
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 00:53:10 +0000

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