i dont need seven days 1. im thankful to Kathleen - TopicsExpress


i dont need seven days 1. im thankful to Kathleen Hartwig-Kubicina and Ann Rowe-Fisher for nominating for this because i think its a great idea. happy people are truly thankful so if yo just turn it around and find things to be thankful for, you have just found a shortcut to happiness. it doesnt even have to be big meaningful things either, the little things are worth it too. 2. Im thankful to facebook for connecting me to so many wonderful people. 3. im thankful for my computer which allows me to connect on facebook, play backgammon and watch netflix. those are the three things i do most on here. 4. im thankful for The Young Turks and Democracy Now for giving me alternative news sources. 5. im thankful for coffee, it helps me stay awake. 6 im thankful for beer, just one though to take the edge off. 7. im thankful for clothes because people just look better with them on. 8. im thankful for my car, it gets me where im going most of the time. 9. im thankful for my job, its good to have one. 10.im thankful for ashtrays, it gives me a place to put my butt. 11. im thankful for the option institute that taught me thats its OK to be happy no matter what happens. what would your friends think if you decided to be happy again after a tragic event in your life. 12. im thankful for my dog whos unconditional love is worth living for after a bad day. 13. im thankful for waking up every morning. its just hard to get through the day without doing that first. 14. im thankful for Louise songs that opened my eyes to a world of music that i never appreciated before. 15. im thankful for all my friends on the other side for saying hello once in a while. 16. im thankful for all my friends on this side for saying hello once in a while too. 17. im thankful for backgammon, its fun and gives my brain a workout 18. im thankful for my guitar, Ill never be a rock star but its still fun to be able to play a few tunes. 19. im thankful for my ipod. i can just put it on shuffle and listen to tunes from all the different chapters of my life. 20. im thankful for my granddaughter. its really special to have one in this chapter after not having any kids of my own. 21. im thankful for double decker banana moon pies. why not? I nominate everyone, its easy and good for you. anything useful, fun, educational or meaningful will do. Go
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 04:05:37 +0000

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