i dont stress easily, (unless someone is injured, and then im - TopicsExpress


i dont stress easily, (unless someone is injured, and then im convinced they will perish due to my incompetence, even if its minor, even though when a REAL medical crisis hits im cool as a cucumber; go figure :/ ) but tomorrow i go see my electrophysiologyst Now i know nothing new will be done, nothing new *can* be done; they have done all they can do, and i am grateful for each and every day i have. But what i am stressed over is the fact that i have battled for 6 or so years with the federal student loan people to get my student loan discharged due to disability. There is no question i am disabled; i can not stand in one spot for more than 5-10 minutes without passing out, have not driven for over 5 years, and still pass out while sitting. In fact, just last Friday i was sitting on the floor putting books on the shelf and....boom...out cold. (Seriously, should i be behind the wheel of a car? No.) And i was declared 4 years ago by a court of law to be permanently and completely disabled. Its not an easy designation to get, and even though i get no money for it, i need them to discharge my student loan. They have turned it down for the stupidest reasons, the most recent being they were unable to veryify my doctors license number. Its beyond ridiculous. Tomorrow i go back to my wonderful doctor, armed with my latest round of paperwork from the student loan people filled out, and hope for the best. Any prayers, good thoughts, and best wishes are gladly accepted and appreciated. I am so tired of dealing with this. When i graduated, i graduated top in my class with high hopes. I fully expected to get a job mixing up chemotherapy and IVs in a cancer center. Three times i was pretty much told I had excellent references, excellent grades, and the job was pretty much mine, but....why did i need to sit to do my job? As soon as i was honest, well....the next phone call informed me that a more qualified applicant had miraculously materialized. What it really came down to was they didnt want to hire someone with a heart issue. And it turns out they were wise. I thought i was good to go for a long, long time, but but no. And now, its gotten to the point where i am very limited in what i can do and when i can do it. Im not asking for government assistance or income, just that my student loan be discharged and they quit calling me and sending me letters. They really are about pushing me over the edge.... Prayers gratefully and humbly accepted.
Posted on: Thu, 03 Apr 2014 01:09:59 +0000

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