i feel compelled to write about something that happened in Libya a - TopicsExpress


i feel compelled to write about something that happened in Libya a while ago. The attack at Benghazi on the U.S. Consulate on 9/11. Today the white house (notice lower case) .. said this: The White House said Monday that Graham and other Republicans are using Benghazi for political purposes, and we find that unfortunate. It is because Mr. Graham, who does play politics from time said he is going to force the administration to come clean on the attack because the people who were there have been prevented from appearing in front of congress. Why have they not been allowed to tell their stories to the American people instead of news organizations? I was a foreign service officer for 17 years and I served in places similar to Benghazi, and I am incensed, and have always been incensed at the lack of accountability in regards to our safety in the government and in the the State Department especially, at the highest levels. The security officers at the consulate and the security people in the embassy had to beg the people in Washington for resources to protect the compound. I know how they felt, but I was lucky, because i was in Djibouti for 3 years. We came close attack but I think some divine intervention saved us. All the fabulous rescue plans they used to tout when visiting our embassy were supposed to save us, but in essence political decisions of the elites will be the ultimate deciders and they get cover from power. The folks in Benghazi were on their own, and that is really sad.. who made that decision to put a consulate in a town where Al Queda flags were flying all over town? 60 minutes this past weekend interviewed some people who were there and they told of all the stupid decisions they were forced to deal with! Yes deal with.. At my embassy in djibouti we were right next to somalia ...you know that place?? our embassy was called an SEP.. (special embassy program) .. this meant we had no marines and just a post security officer (pso) who was usually the communications officer who took this job as a second job... imagine.. in charge of the embassy security.. i was IT for a while until we got a professional security officer and even he was ill-equipped to deal with the threats coming in. I did my best with NOTHING.. i once ordered all people to be scanned coming in to the compound after working hours to rent movies.. the Russian ambassador was scanned by the guards.. he got incensed and called my ambassador... i was called to the front office to answer the complaint. I told her what I did, that told them (the local guards) NO EXCEPTIONS.. she didnt like that answer... Again playing politics at the local level no? she never said you did the right thing carl. Just imagine what its like at the highest levels giving cash and arms to foreign countries?? imagine the pressure to comply? its at all levels. I hated this .. and needless to say i did not get a promotion from Djibouti, but i got a reputation.. one of doing what is right .. but it sure makes you lonely doesnt it? the organizaiton tags you as a trouble maker. Just imagine how those security officers felt on the day of the attack .. overwhelmed and HAVING TO do things with nothing, while politicians in Washington were sitting on their hands? too afraid to make a decision to help them with military ships off the coast. shame on you all! The former secretary of state has ambitions to become president, and she has escaped true scrutiny because she is protected by the elite people in power now. It is a subject that might hurt the ambitions and wish to be president and this is just the way the game is played in Washington. The people at the bottom take all the falls and die, and the elites in the departments all are saved.. I have heard of numerous cases where a senior has really screwed up and they just transfer them somewhere else, while others that screw up in lower ranks are thrown to the wolves. The higher they go, the more lenient the discipline becomes in the good old boy network. Imagine at the secretary level how protected one is? they always have a fall guy for their incompetence and miscues. I pray that those who were in Benghazi are able to testify and tell the real story and let the balance of justice right itself.
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 00:15:43 +0000

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