i feel like sharing my testimony in the lord to help sameone who - TopicsExpress


i feel like sharing my testimony in the lord to help sameone who is down in faith. and to help many who have time to read it all... ooooh gloryy..amen amen ...God be the glory otoour life daily who leads us in all our ways in life .. i was raise in a christian home . we go to church and we move in and out in the world where nothing seems to be real in life .everything seems right on my face as i was found in doing my own thing in life where at that time i was not mature . in my teen age of 18 .. i open myself up not on the Godly way but in the worldly way .. and i was finnaly addicted to musturbation for 3years from 2009.to 2011 ..and i was much dissappointed in life daily when i angage in that bad acts ..and at times it reach a momment where i feel am not human being , i use to cry alot at bath house.. looking down upon my self . and finnaly my life turn around happens in saptember 2011 where i decided to see the lord face to face for my deliverance in a room where i lock myself.up. for an hour praying and reading the word with tears .. and i cry and cry and cry loudly just with one purpose for the lord to deliver me from that bad act and show himself to me strongly a.. and truly he show up with his presence in the room i was in . and suddenly a verses in the bible which i dont no or even i have not came acroos before just appear to me to read like open the bible and read what i have for you and i was shock and amaze . and that verses was 1 2nd corinthians 5 v 10 and i read for we must all apear before the judgement seat of christ ; that everyone may recieve the things done in his body , according to that he hath done , whether it be good or bad..and the 2nd verse was in the same chapter of verse 17 and i read therefore if any man be in christ ,he is a new creature : old things are pass away :behold all things are became new. and last verse was in the same chapter in verse 21 and i read for he hath made him to be sin for us , who knew no sin ; that we might be righteousness of God in him.. oooh glory to the lord . and i was complitly down in the room . and much tears and weeping was. filled in my face and i cry with my heart. as i cry out in the room and that time i made a total surrander to the lord and i decided to leave my life for him in my heart.and i saw sametin like a smoke geting into me and latter on i feel a new me and a new spirit in me.there i recieve the holy spirit baptism and i get the holy spirit in my heart and i recieve the heavenly language at that moment .and started speaking in tongues. and i was complitly transform at that time and my thinking and all about me change instand ..to cut long story short .. today am a teacher in church where i teach new converts every sunday without no bible school and what i trusted.the lord for is that the holy spirt teaches me daily ..am now being call by a followship to help them to establish strongly in the lord with my little knowledge i have in the lord . and all souls true my little efforts by the power of the holy spirit i have won through my last 6months of using facebook for specifically winning souls and all the healing and miracles and breakthrough is more than my human understanding ..all because of just one day decision i made in the word of God to give my life to him for ever to be use . am encouraging sameone today that is not down until is fell to the ground .. you just holdsteadfastly on the lord and he will surely show him self up strongly .. faith faith in the lord and he will give you your heart desire in life .and he will not disappoint you ..in any way ... God bless you and bless you as you have time to read all .. your life will also be change as you have read my teastimony in the lord through the blood of jesus christ ..
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 18:26:55 +0000

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