i feel this post may not be clearly posted To Global world - TopicsExpress


i feel this post may not be clearly posted To Global world Society Student in US European and Asian African Schools and Universities, christian believers in Christ Church people of all domination none believers in God please listen and feel our plea and safe me and others from the date of George W. Bush Saleh of Yemen and there fanatic ploy religious made to look killing squads please quickly followup bring to justice jail and find all this mass players in world dangerous corruption. take them to jail Take George Bush Yemen Tranny Saleh some of GCC leaders some oil corporate owners send a genuine free assigned peace corps to South Yemen i am a poor man in Hadramout i really fear for my live? Do we belong together ? from one universal generation How then could you leaves suppressed killed in the hands of this world the most powerful and last Unicorns George W. Bush tyranny Saleh of North Yemen Dick Chaney.The guys in black scurf made to be called al-Qaeda are serving them the North Yemen security Units serve them for the sake of our South Yemen freedom suppression and looting our resources they had forged top UN resolution over the the name limitless GCC initiative remedy.So they are at our doors pace to kill us do something to safe us quickly. What is the internet when you can not post any things that speak the truth what is it that only function not to threaten injustices.people express themselves yet nothing is done.US and its evil power is going against justice making a continuously occupation the have planted ploy game of Terrorist in Yemen true an evil still powerful tyranny known as Saleh they had guaranteed him protection from being trail he operates a killing fanatic squad in Hadramout of South Yemen he earns support and respect true a line of US leaders Crest CO.George W. Bush Dick Chaney Tony Blair and other strong alliance he is made a power and believes in power of evil spirits.A rumors was once spread to a gathering in that he was told that a strong witch craft owner of strong power is come to hadhramout and started evil war to demolish your thrown and give a hint of maybe where that witch craft man lives he started a campaign in conjunction with he assigned work to predicted the soviet trained workers of South Yemen so he mixed that mission and started shooting who ever is implied in world of spirit powers in hadramout and that gave a good plush because this spiritual world believers come from a sufi sect which in turn is and easy connection to combine a force support with Houthis hashmites in addition to that some fictional scholars are trying and fearing of hadramout future knowledge inheritance that maybe re concur the world. So the squad is continuously operated under strong conflation of powers Saleh to Bush and there coalition who can safe us and stop this massacre from continuing you can not easily break this because George W bush is power interlink with US intelligence and this ploy fanatic terrorist system and and others of France and UK ,i had tried so hard to speak about the rights of South Yemen rights to independence to many known establish people and organisation in concern to justice of this issues, so i am not sure whether a can live safe out of speaking this issue which can from a lowest profile and can bring out the issue for immediate action.
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 17:26:22 +0000

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