i met a truly handicapped child today. handicapped children come - TopicsExpress


i met a truly handicapped child today. handicapped children come in many forms. just looking at him, you will seriously question my observation that he is handicapped. he is a precocious nine year old, a little large for his age and his dad said he is a natural athlete. he makes good grades in school and gives every indication of being a bright student. yet i can honestly say he is one of the most handicapped youngsters i ve ever met. he is handicapped behaviorally. ouch...the little chap is sooooo rude and inconsiderate! one of the saddest things about over permissiveness, when a parent lets a child run loose and do everything he wants to, is that it sets up expectancy in the childs mind that others should and will treat him the same way. that is both unreasonable and unrealistic. when an overindulged child visits or goes to play in other homes, and especially when he gets into school, he is going to have a long row to hoe! discipline and order are part of the natural laws of the universe. the child who has not been disciplined with love by his little world(family) will be disciplined,generally without love, by the big world!
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 17:06:46 +0000

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