i thought saraga that you were my best fren..it turns out your a - TopicsExpress


i thought saraga that you were my best fren..it turns out your a freak!! whom i wish i never met . your worst then a weirdo at least they dnt go and stab piple on the back when they hate sumone ...they do have the dignity to say things they dnt like in front of piple rather then gossiping which seems to be a disease that your cant get rid off...who runs to their mommy and cry that their boyfren dumps them coz he sees the real #YOU!!! and their #EX is dating their BESTFREN #lewa #IKO #SA #BIU as if your daddy is a faithfull #MAN !!! #inny your a heartless person...spoilt little prick...who cant seem to get enough of ur self ..attention seeker #PUHLEASE!!!gal beauty comes from inside i wonder what ur soo call boyfren sees in you ...probably the word #SLAG suits you right because thats what you are !!! and you know what stop fixing me around to your #KAICOLO FAMILIES i dont want to be assosiated with those type of piple ..coz the only thing they do is #belittle piple.! grow up and GET A LIFE dear coz that attitude of yours aint taking you no where...ummm before i forget theirs #listerine in the bathroom cupboard wash your mouth we dont wanna die of #BADBREATH!!!...and you know what you know you can call me a #BIaTCH coz thats what i am #infact im a world class one...:* :* unlike you sourface #secondhand aimless piece of s*** !!..=D..ANd stop lying to your MOM...your soo damm lucky to have a mum like her !!!! #you #CAN CALL ME a #slut because guys find me atractive ! and you can call me BIATCH because i stand up for what i believes #IN.YOU CALL me #UGLY because its soo obvious you dont like me!! hahahahahahaha oileiii please #MK sa rauta mada na bula wiwi tiko... well im not perfect atleast i have a life your the one with problems now instead of worring about my issues focus on fixing yours because clearly you have alot ...THANKS SOO MUCH FOR THAT #RACHANA that was inspirational...#feeling #raw!!! :* :*
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 22:50:26 +0000

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