its going to be a good day to file police reports sit back and - TopicsExpress


its going to be a good day to file police reports sit back and watch a neighbor put up a fence on my property so i can drive over it with a truck. neighbor claims he had land surveyed but wont provide proof and is trying to claim half my driveway and is in the process of putting a fence down the middle of it right now, ill wait till hes done call police and run it over in front of him and police so there is no misunderstanding of who did it. law says for our area he has to put fence up on his property with enough room for him to maintain both sides of the fence with out trespassing so i will be filing charges for trespassing once officers are here as well if he decides to follow thru with this and judging how he is out there working right now its game on. he tried showing me the plot map and passing it off as a survey, this guy has no clue who i am or what im capable of he only comes up maybe twice a year.
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 13:52:14 +0000

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