journal Notifications A Lazy Weekend August 26, 2013 - TopicsExpress


journal Notifications A Lazy Weekend August 26, 2013 7:40pm Thursday night some friends from work made the trip from Kalamazoo as well as some friends from Grand Rapids for a game night. My work friends brought Jonathan and me some dinner from one of my favorite restaurants in Kalamazoo, Bangkok Flavor. After catching up with the normal chit chat we played “apples to apples” a comparison game that can be really entertaining with the right group of players. After a very competitive game Jonathan staged a late rally to be the overall winner. Friday, I had a full day of therapy with a handful of fainting episodes. The highlight of the day was wheeling with my PT Tara downtown East Grand Rapids. Our goal was to make it to Reeds Lake (1.5 mile round trip) and back in our 30 minutes session. This was probably an aggressive goal. Tara helped get me to the lake by running and pushing my wheel chair for about 10 minutes so we could see the lake. It was a fun joy ride and nice to see the lake, boats, and flowers. It was an easy going weekend. I only had 1 hour of therapy each day. Saturday I had a “team” session with my 2 favorite therapists Jamie my recreational therapist and Tara my Physical Therapist. Jamie is a certified Yoga instructor so for my Saturday therapy session we did modified yoga. It is invigorating to do something I enjoy even in my limited capacity. I had a permanent smile on my face all after my modified yoga session. That is one thing I really like about CAR, they dig for your passions and help you find a way to connect with them regardless of your current state. Tara, my physical therapist since day 1 when I arrived at CAR, is on vacation this week. I am happy for her but bummed she is not here this week because we connected well and she had a lot invested in my case. Both my parents came to visit; my dad and I had a basketball shooting contest using our over the door hoop. I’m pretty sure I won but it was close. There were definitely some points of disagreement as to if a shot went in or if the other person had a closer shot etc. My mom was an excellent rebounder, so good in fact she earned the nick name Rodman as in NBA rebounder Dennis Rodman. It was a beautiful day Saturday so after hanging around most of the afternoon we decided to have dinner outside in the garden. It helps to get out of the stuffy room and into the sunshine for awhile. Sunday was a lazy day. I slept most the afternoon after taking a shower and doing other simple tasks during my occupational therapy session. I wish I could have slept on the beach or by the pool but at least I got to relax a little bit. Today I was back in full swing doing the full day of therapy. I went to the highest level yet on the tilt table without passing out, 60 degrees. It may not sound like much but when I started I was topping out at 25 degrees. I also got to see the top of my foot for the first time in 5 days as they replaced some of the dressings used by the wound vac. My foot doesn’t look pretty but it seems to be improving from the last time I saw it uncovered. Today, I am running a low grade fever so I don’t have too much energy after all the therapy. Hopefully, the fever goes away tomorrow. I received a large care package from the MB II staff that I worked with at the pool growing up. It included all sorts of fun things to use and share and even some snacks for Bubba. It brought back some fun memories from the pool. I appreciate all the love and support I have received from friends and family from all aspects of my life. It has been a nice change being here in the rehab wing but I am still anxious to finish up here and get home! 10 people this Read Journal History Sign My Guestbook Read Tributes Update Journal
Posted on: Wed, 28 Aug 2013 01:00:49 +0000

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