kinds of things the Koch brothers have in mind for America : - TopicsExpress


kinds of things the Koch brothers have in mind for America : David Kochs kind of guy. Well, thats the sort of thing that could leave a mark. Especially when the entire thing is recorded for posterity on audio tape. Perhaps thats why Christie didnt want anybody to know he was hobnobbing with the Kochs...or what he had to say at their secret shindig, including (but hardly limited to): Details on wielding extraordinary unitary executive powers to declare a fiscal emergency upon taking office in order to impound billions in planned spending (The good news for all of you and for me is that the governorship in New Jersey is the most powerful constitutional governorship in America.); Snookering and strong-arming Democrats in the state Legislature to cut pensions and benefits and collective bargaining rights from public workers (You know, I cannot believe how stupid these people are); How the same tactics and strong-arm governance hes brought to New Jersey need to be applied to the country as a whole, and; How his next major plan for his Garden State constituents is to crush the power of public school teachers (We need to take on the teachers union once and for all.) and The Washington Post recently reported that more than 100 current and former [Kansas] Republican officials [have] endorsed Democratic state Rep. Paul Davis [in his] bid to unseat Gov. Sam Brownback (R). The website of the group that refers to itself as the Republicans for Kansas Values, reveals that the source of their revolt can be found in what the LA Times Michael Hiltzik described as Brownbacks draconian Tea Party tax cuts, enacted in the name of economic freedom that have, he says, benefited only the wealthy and have turned the Sunflower State into a smoking ruin. ...... After the 1980 campaign, in which David Koch ran for Vice President of the United States on a Libertarian Party platform [that called] for the abolition of most federal agencies, including the FBI, the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Department of Energy, abolition of Social Security, minimum-wage laws…and all personal and corporate income taxes and for reducing government to the singular function of protecting individual rights, renowned conservative columnist William F. Buckley, Jr. referred to the Kochs and their brand of Libertarianism as Anarcho-Totalitarianism. It is rather obvious that the true conservatives in the Kansas Republican Party do not share the Kochs desire to destroy the economy and the governments ability to promote the general welfare simply to protect the Kochs liberty to enhance their already obscene family fortune. bradblog/?p=10716
Posted on: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 15:39:54 +0000

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