latest from the planetmates - On the “agrarian revolution,” - TopicsExpress


latest from the planetmates - On the “agrarian revolution,” living in the Now, magical life, and heaven … “ was your fear that your resources would not be sufficient to satisfy your needs that caused you to add the task of killing planetmates (hunting) to your food foraging. Remember that your increasing removal of yourself from your felt experience—your insensitivity—allowed you to do this without conscious psychological upset. You began “toughening” yourselves, making yourselves inured to the consequences of your actions. “This reduced connection to your felt experience allowed you to descend into a further diminution of your experience with the cultivation of plants. For your existence previously had been rather easy. It was Nature that went about automatically, with no effort on your part whatsoever, producing what you would need—food and shelter even—without limit or end. You simply had to discern where Divine Providence was “hiding” its gifts and treasures for you to find. But your increasing lack of faith in Divine Providence and your increasing insensitivity to the quality of your existence—focusing, because of fear, on the quantity of that existence instead—had you take the magic out of living. Any playful interaction with Nature, as in foraging, all adventure involved in it as well, was put to the side, was considered inferior to the value derived from more certainty in your lives, no matter how hard you had to work to make that happen. “Your impatience was manifesting as well. For, originally, Nature would produce its gifts for you on its timetable; adventure … and surprise … and continual reassurance of the benevolence of the All beyond one’s self … were involved in that. It would have you continually reminded of and reinforced in the knowledge that you were in the hands, always, of a kindly and invisible power that knew all—certainly far more than you did or ever could hope to—and was like a best friend to you. It was most certainly kind, however tricky. It *played* with you, just as much as you would in relation to the things in *your* world. Since everything worked out in the end, far better than if you had planned or decided it, you trusted in its ways and its intentions toward you. “But increasingly, for the reasons we have been detailing, you found it impossible to exist in a state of Now that was entrancing, you were living in a planned future, having a conceptual existence rather than an experiential one. The richness of life was increasingly faded from it. And in this faded reality, the present was for you only the precursor to a more desirable future … always off ahead of you … out of immediate reach, but taunting and luring you with the promise of ease of your unbearable feelings of impatience and uncertainty. “So, in extending conscious control over the timetable of your obtaining food, through the process of horticulture, you could not have all you wanted whenever you wanted, but at least, you told yourself, you could have a pretty good idea of *when* you would have it … living now more in time rather than in experience … and you could deal with your uncomfortable impatience by giving it a promise of a time and an image of a future where it would be satisfied. This was a step down from full existence as we know it and as you once did, in that when that time of satisfaction would come, it would quickly be over and the impatience and uncertainty would rise up their fearsome forms right away. And somehow you did not learn that or get the lesson from that, but simply substituted another imaginary time of satisfaction off in the future that you could focus on.... “...your tendency to project all happiness into a future time, unattainable in any present, would leave you more and more despairing as you would see the end of your lives ahead of you and with the realization at hand that such a future time would really never come. So it would push you to imagine even a time after death in which you would be able to receive the rewards for all your work in the present. You would reinforce your inability to live in the present by focusing on a “heaven” after death when you would get the enjoyment of life of which you are depriving yourself while alive and which a part of you knows you are missing....”
Posted on: Sat, 09 Nov 2013 21:52:55 +0000

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