livingwaters Scientific Facts in the Bible If the Bible - TopicsExpress


livingwaters Scientific Facts in the Bible If the Bible isn’t inspired by God, explain why it insists that newborn males be circumcised on the eighth day (Genesis 17:12). Medical science wouldn’t discover for thousands of years that prothrombin (essential for clotting) is at its peak on that day. Or explain how it is that 2,700 years ago the Scriptures said, “It is He who sits above the circle of the earth” (Isaiah 40:22). At a time when science believed the earth was flat, it was the Scriptures that inspired Christopher Columbus to sail around the world. About 3,000 years ago the Bible asked, “Can you send out lightnings, that they may go, and say to you, ‘Here we are!’?” (Job 38:35). We now know that sound can be sent at the speed of light so that we can instantly communicate with someone across the globe. Science didn’t discover this until 1864. Over 3,000 years ago, the Bible said to wash under running water when dealing with disease (Leviticus 15:13). Until the mid-1800s doctors washed their hands in a bowl of still water, leaving invisible germs, spreading diseases and resulting in the deaths of multitudes. If the Bible isn’t God-inspired, explain how the writer of the Book of Job knew around 3,000 years ago that the earth “hangs...on nothing” (Job 26:7)—thousands of years before science discovered that this massive earth does indeed freely float in space. How did the Bible writers know over 3,000 years ago that “the life of the flesh is in the blood” (Leviticus 17:11)? It wasn’t until the advent of the microscope that science understood the vital interaction between blood and flesh—that every 23 seconds the blood cleanses and nourishes each cell in the body. Or explain how over 3,000 years ago Scripture prescribed quarantining (Leviticus 13:1–8). Up until the 17th century, those with contagious diseases stayed in the same rooms as the rest of the family, and doctors were mystified about how diseases spread so rapidly. The Bible proves itself to be inspired by God. It is His Instruction Book for humanity, and that’s why we must listen to it when it warns that after we die we have to face Him in judgment. Adapted from, “The Evidence Bible”
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 01:00:01 +0000

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