maybe some songs or a festival to celebrate this hope. Greece has - TopicsExpress


maybe some songs or a festival to celebrate this hope. Greece has voted for community socialism, our turn next? An extraordinary opportunity to make a difference. The grey giants of Conservatives, Labour and UKIP are enemies and probably none will get enough MPs to govern. But there is a group that could tip the balance: the new alliance of SNP, Plaid and Greens. They are growing as the voters wake up. With a little swing they could hold the balance of power in May. They could stand between us and the advance of corporate greed, if we vote them in. Politicians are not saviours, we must rely on ourselves. But we need allies in government for good things to flourish. Look at the achievements of SNP in Scotland, Plaid when briefly in power in Wales and the Greens in Germany and Iceland. Get everyone to vote in May, but voting is just a start. The red may have drained from Labours rose, the green fallen from the Tory tree, while the naked money symbol of UKIP grows and hardens, rubbing up to the bankers, But there is a stirring of humanity from its long sleep. The Corporations are silently taking over our land, our renewable energy, their hands are closing on ports, harbours, roads, trains, power grids, water supplies, some hospitals and schools. and now our housing and our laws. The young face a future without hope of a secure home. This is the first evicted generation, inheriting nothing but debt. A good government can help turn the tide. The May election is a moment of opportunity. Vote Green in England, SNP in Scotland, Plaid in Wales. Save our resources for present and future generations.. Spread the word far and fast, get a postal vote today. Its the safest way. Online or Phone your council for the form. Parties are not good and bad, perfect or evil, all are mixtures. But the difference a good government can make is huge. They can provide vision and empower us to get there. We have had particularly bad experiences recently. It doesnt have to be this hopeless. Plaid in Wales, Greens in England, SNP in Scotland have formed an alliance against austerity, for positivity. If our vote gives them the balance of power in UK, this could open the door to a saner future.
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 09:03:27 +0000

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