meant for yesterday but no internet: Thank you for the bag of - TopicsExpress


meant for yesterday but no internet: Thank you for the bag of groceries the other day. They really came in handy. I was especially happy to see the mayo as we had just run out and I use that to pack Genesis a lunch until I get word that she qualifies for free or reduced lunch at school. (I hope that is soon! ) Also, today there was a nice surprise of $50 with my name on it from anonymous. I really appreciated that as I bought enough gas to make it for several trips and some groceries at the Grocery Outlet. I was especially wanting flour, sugar, eggs and milk. I was able to get those things and we made homemade tortillas and potatoes for lunch today. I also baked a cake. There is never enough milk in our house. I think they can go through at least a gallon a day. Thank you. I just find it amazing that anyone would do things like this for us. Jacob was given $5 just out of no where from one of the guys at church. He was excited because he is saving up for a flat screen tav to play his video games. He says it has to have an hdmi hookup. Jacob will do it too. He got a job to buy his IPOD last summer. He saw me saving change and he is going to deposit his $5 and couch change tomorrow. Church today was good. The pastor talked about lifting up our eyes and trying to see the whole picture. He says we get tied down with burdens and not giving them to God then we are heavy laden and looking downward. Against the Flow Youth Ministry was last night. That is a fun event. Pastor Stacey Warne was the speaker. He talked about Daniel. He talked about our prayer life and encouraged the listeners to go to God in prayer. He talked about the attitude of prayer. He showed a funny video by the Skit guys and a video from Petra. I personally like a mix of some old school but the 80s was prevalent in their attire. Im just going to say that was an educational history lesson mixed with spiritual truth. It was great for me especially because I have a Petra CD that I just had put onto Jacobs IPOD a few days before this event. Tomorrow I have a full day. Get up, make breakfast, get ready, load kids, Genesis to school, 900 appointment at DHS for workfirst program (pray everything goes smoothly with my needed documentation so I can get the help I need to pay the rent etc), lunch, bank, drop off at walmarts goodwill, money orders (if I received help), church, Dezs, melody mufflers to return a trumpet, boxes for packing some of Efrains tools, run errand for Efrain, garage to get trumpet, Marvick PCs to return banners, hopefully be able to pay insurance, rent(s), light bill(s) and payment on garbage bill....I dont know what else. Ive got it all written down. Lets see how much I can do. I need to consolidate big time. After March 18 I will know what to do with my husbands business. I very much hope to move the RV to our lot but to do that I need a building permit. Maybe I can borrow a phone tomorrow and call them....ahhh. Another bill I should try to pay. I need to buy a Smart talk card at Walmart. Ug. How can an employer call me? Well, diapers and wipes are still in service. Thats something. I had a talk with Zion and asked him to only use one and a half diapers a day. Its not working out. hee hee. But we still have a box so thats good. If I qualify I will only get 600 and some odd dollars a month. Im not complaining about the help its just that I have to put in 92 hours a month for it. 23 a week. How do people who have to live this way make it. I think it is like a drug. Its just enough to keep you going back for more but doesnt move you in a better direction. Again, I will have to go through learning how to make a resume, fill out applications etc. You all know my passionate love for Jobs Club. Im getting tired of filling out applications. If youve read my FB at all you know what Im talking about and thats not even half of what Im doing. Even when I go places I ask if they are hiring. I dont want to go just anywhere though. God has a place for my skill set and desire. I might have to start at a different level but thats ok. One of the jobs club facilitators didnt like me to say that. She thought I should apply anywhere. Im not a construction worker or a nurse or baker... so no. I didnt divulge the secret to her that I am about to tell you though. One time I worked three jobs at once. I was teaching at the Red Cross. I was teaching a Lifestyle Management Class through WWCC and I was one of the first set of those costume wavers at Liberty Tax. Oh, and I worked it. I was good at it. I put my left foot in and my left foot out and I shook it all about. My husband kids around because he tells people he picked me up on a street corner. There IS A LOT more to that story but I can say I have had experience dancing on the street corner. I wore a mask. I was not as brave as the others. I even got my kids shaking it. ha ha. Even my Malani was out there. Even my Christian. (My poor Christian. With all the events Ive lead or been a part of he has been Lady Liberty, Disaster Dog...who knows what else.) Maybe Ill get lucky and get to be the Serta Sheep or the Little Caesars guy. Ha ha. I do make a very good character. Once I was a chicken at the Headstart. Yes, a big feathery yellow chick. No one beats my chicken dance. And before you get any ideas...No, Im not willing to prove it. :-)
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 06:31:42 +0000

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