no full stops, please : Part VI Soliloquy 31 - TopicsExpress


no full stops, please : Part VI Soliloquy 31 Nothing rules forever . . . We need some Argentine supporters, not Anti-Brazilian supporters!! ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦. (my facebook status during the 2010 Football World Cup) : I wonder who supported Argentina before the so-called Goal by the Hand of Godā€! . . . Anyway, we must confess that Brazil failed to present a classic game from their side. I humbly request all my friends not to behave or write in the way that might hurt someones ego. You really dont have any right to hurt anyones ego. (You can also remove me from your friend-list if you want me to teach you courtesy. Im not such a great teacher!) A person with least the sense of personality never does it. I confess that Brazil failed to play the game we really expect from them. This never means that theyre not a deserving team for this World Cup. Lets not be just stereotypical, rather be logical. Thanks. : Thank you for conveying your thought. . . What if Brazil or Argentina or Germany or Netherlands or any team else wins the cup or not? No one would attribute the credit to us, that is, our nation, our country. What we can merely expect as ordinary viewers is just a good game and better criticism. We neednt be fanatic about the result; nobody would pay the least tribute for such loyalty! . . . Lets hold our thumbs up for the team that really deserves it. An impartial view always makes things better. Thanks. : Thank you all for sharing your valuable views on my wall. Though ours is not a World Cup playing country, we always look forward to any genuine source of entertainment. Interestingly enough, the whole country is literally divided into two groups: Argentine and Brazilian (compare the initial letters as found in Awamileague and BNP!). The people of the first-world countries are not as crazy about football as we seem to be (ask an American or a British or a French or anyone from any participant country else). However, were quite happy with our little bliss, sorrows. We live by our smiles and tears sharing our excitements and frustrations together. Such goes on our life . . . Ive always been and am still a Brazilian supporter. The match of the last evening was a total fiasco and dumped me like other supporters. Its true that they failed to play the classic rhythmic football as we, the ordinary viewers, expect from them. Mr. Dunga is largely responsible for such a disaster, as popularly believed. The Argentine players are really presenting a fair game contrary to the performance they showed in the last World Cup (they had to bid a goodbye from the first round). Their playing style really deserves praise. Im really grateful to them for presenting the rhythm that the Brazilian footballers were once accustomed to. Hope they will keep this spirit up in the match of this evening against another top favourite Germany. Wish them all the best . . . . . : Actually in our country, most persons are not supporters......they are anti-supporters . . . . . nicely commented!! Truer than true!! ......... I also want that Netherlands or Spain win the cup. They should be awarded for their commitment and devotion. Thanks. : If Bangladesh lost todays match, I would shoulder the shame willingly. Now, what we can keep our fingers crossed for is just a fair match and better impartial game. I dont know how amply the fanatic supporters would be rewarded for their loyalty . . . . Im sure that even in Brazil or Argentina there are not so many stupid flag hoisting competitions as weve seen in our country. . . . Lets wait for enjoying fair matches . . . Soliloquy 32 Im so happy today to declare my younger brother Prashanta Paul a qualified student of CAT (Certified Accounting Technician), a worldwide recognized professional course of Accounting. Friends! Please pray for his future success and professional betterment. : My dear friends! Please accept my heart-felt gratitude for your kind wish and felicitation on his success. Friends should never be far away while celebrating. Its really a nice feeling to celebrate the academic success of younger brother or sister. My brothers accomplishments always give me more pleasure than mine. Younger brothers or sisters never grow old, they just grow up, I think. His smiling face is the greatest gift I can ever think of. He has attained this success besides running my giftshop DOVANA (along with his friend) and hopefully enough, this business maintenance has already provided a real-field orientation for him regarding inter-personal relationship, office management and above all, a professional attitude-formation. Through this success, he has stepped forward to the second phase of the professional course, ACCA (Association of Certified Chartered Accountants). Lets wish his every success. Regards : Wow! I really feel very blessed to be in the midst of a constellation of friends like you. I dont know whether I deserve such a great care of such precious friends. Thank you for being with me in this pleasant moment. If you ever see my brother youll be surprised how much he resembles my face, my appearance (you can see him in my photo album) though he is junior to me by 4 years. One dissimilarity is, he is not a bookworm like me (with due apology), but he knows better what to read, why to read and how to read. Yes, he is still accustomed to a lot of childish thoughts and tasks even at this age of 22! He never grows old, just grows up! Im sorry for writing much about him if it creates annoyance for you. Im eagerly waiting for the day when he would be ACCA qualified and I can celebrate with all of you with a big party. Yes, I promise a big big celebration. May he retain the strength for crossing the next hurdles. Thanks a ton for your dignified presence on my wall. : Yes, you commented on his pictures, I can remember. He takes after me so much . . . . I highly appreciate your friendly approach and its really nice to meet you here in facebook . . . I feel honoured at your kind promise. Thank you. : My dear friends! I think, I could pay back the loan of gold, but Im afraid I would die forever in debt to you for being so kind to share my joys!! How beautiful a success can be When congratulation touches it! I would thank you from the bottom of my heart, but for you my heart has no bottom. Soliloquy 33 Truth is, everybody is going to hurt you; you just have to find ones worth suffering for. ~ Bob Marley As Ive approached the middle of my youth, I can realize its better to love and to be loved and so to be hurt than not to hurt and to be hurt at all . . . . Being hurt is compulsory but feeling hurt is optional. Im quite good at the second option, as no one ever seemed worth suffering for. Id rather like to leave a promise unmade than to bear the agonies of promise. A promise in veil is always more powerful than a promise revealed!! And, I live by this. . . . . Youth cant be always framed by age. And, in this sense, 60 can be called the end of youth. So, my youth can be said to continue 3 decades further, a great challenge with age, no doubt! Yes, life is not always too easy to feel unhurt. The greatest attack Ive ever felt is from within rather than from without. I myself am good enough to control such feelings. People around just add some sauce to it. Its the crudest reality Ive still learnt. . . . . . Itā€™s true that to wait to suffer is more painful than to suffer, I think. Its better to suffer alone than to suffer for a wrong person. And, thats what poets call the bliss of solitude! Soliloquy 34 Ive stood 6th in order of merit in the Evening MBA admission test of Dhaka University . . . Feeling happy. : Didi, you always have something for me more valuable than I really deserve. : Dada, I also pride myself on having such precious well-wishers like you. : Dear friend, I feel humbled at your kind thought about me as I think, its not about going for; rather its all about trying for!! Im thinking of trying for it. Thank you for inspiring me. : I wish you informed me about it earlier!! lolzz.......... Brother, if the deadline of admission is before the admission test of the MBA course of IBA, I think, its wise to get myself admitted; otherwise Iā€™ll await the admission test of IBA. Thanks for writing on my wall. : I wish I could escape from this ā€˜Corporate Hellā€™!! Sometimes, Hell seems to be sweeter than Heaven. : Dost, I felicitate you on your standing 17th in order of merit. You always rock, we know!! Take care. : Thank you, my sweet, cute sister. Dear pagli, Iā€™m always ready to throw a party. Just come to Bangladesh and make a grab at it!! : But for your presence on my wall, this result would have been just a piece of news rather than being a success. I feel like being on an elevated plane for your sincere wishes. Thank you for this favour. Take care. : Iā€™m gladly taking the opportunity of thanking you for those wonderful words of felicitation. Itā€™s just what I need! I like the blend of your cordial feelings very much. No, success has any real value if thereā€™s no one to evaluate it. Iā€™m so lucky to have some genuine well-wishers through this giant social network. Hats off to Mark Zuckerberg!! Itā€™s really difficult to bridge the narrow, yet seemingly never-ending gap lying between ā€˜what Iā€™veā€™ and ā€˜what I deserveā€™. A harmonious transition is NEVER possible but for such a selfless support youā€™ve rendered for me. I know my achievement is SMALL but youā€™ve helped me in making the sense of it BIG. Only what we sense or think matters. Yes, small is beautiful and so every little thing counts. A BIG is just a SMALL in disguise!! .......... ā€œWeā€™ll never part either in smiles or tears.ā€ --- Letā€™s make this a reason BIG enough to soar higher together. Be blessed always. To be honest, the honour that I donā€™t deserve embarrasses me. Itā€™s not so great an achievement as you seem to think. I felt happy when I came to know the result (I can remember, I felt the same ecstasy when I had stood 2nd in order of merit in the admission test of my graduating engineering varsity, CUET about 8 years back) and just felt like sharing it with you. You always make me think in a different way about my life and lives around me. Its a precious experience. Its worth thousand million dollars or even more I hardly can count! Nothing can bet the incredible kindness shown by a friend, you know. Its difficult to have a different thought, but its easy to think differently especially when you feel the urge within to do so. Yes, youre those priceless persons in my life who have always made me feel more than I deserve, think more than Im supposed to --- my honest confession. Nothing is significant or insignificant till we feel or think so about it. So, its purely a mind-game. It obviously takes some players with beautiful minds. THANK YOU for those wonderful words woven carefully by soul, though Im not the least worth of it yet. In my defense, I can say, who on earth dare be indifferent to the love of a friend? No one! Because, life is meaningless without love; love is meaningless without life. . . . I feel love, so much love that pours from you, and those closest to me, and the love that flows from me, giving me more, the more I give! Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared. THANKS for being with me with the vision of light that fills my sight in even the darkest imprisonment of mind or on the most sun-blessed, windswept mountaintop Iā€™ve always dreamt of. Kindness is a language that even the blind can see, the deaf can hear. Youre the supreme master of this language! I can hear the song your heart wants to sing, I can feel the compassion your soul nourishes for me. Just feel the rhythm playing within your soul; Ill be there to entertain you forever, forever. : I didnt write, I just echoed my soul, just as the same way youre used to doing. An interpreter of souls is the greatest gift on this earth. The poetry youve tagged me in has touched my soul and so did my writing in your case. Singleness of two souls matters. It seconds love to make a unique blend, I think. Thank you for making me feel more about myself than I really am. : Thank you buddies for your kind presence on my wall . . . Ive not passed such a long way so as to make success run after me. My very ordinary status just makes me humble enough to take your wish as a compliment only. Hope youll see the better days that your heart wishes to see. Take care. : Thank you madam for your gorgeous presence on my wall. I sincerely feel honoured to express my humble THANKS to you. I got chance in the Evening MBA program of the Department of Finance, conducted by the Faculty of Business Studies under DU. IBA has not yet published any circular of admission test of MBA program through media or its official website. I hope Id take that admission test too and surely go for IBA if I can prove myself competent for it. I sincerely feel inspired, grateful and honoured for your dignified presence on my wall. Every aspect of pride and pleasure comes only for some priceless people like you. Please allow me to express my humble THANKS to you for being with me on this auspicious moment. Take care.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 14:11:45 +0000

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