nothing more humbling than a convo with your son that makes you - TopicsExpress


nothing more humbling than a convo with your son that makes you think waw your grown up and talk wise for a boy so young.. nothing can make a dad more proud than to see the ever growing mind of your son into a man of great worth and see i will never have to worry about the man he will be... to see your child not have the weaknesses you had is so releaving a thing to feel... for me growing up i was so lost and floored coz i never had a strong mind to gide me in life... i had pure love from my mom and that helped with my emotional growth... but never had a strong mind untill i started training and then i had someone strong enuff of mind to help me focus my mind and my chi... without 2 great men i trained under i would have never beat the mental demons i had.. when you have chi as abundent as i do you live a life of high aggression and ego driven desires.... coz chi is a energy thats divine and if you waste it you can become vunrable to illnesses and mental stress... this is why tantric law is a good way to live ones life... to honor the light in your body is a divine act we all have forgoten it gives you mental power and the right to be part of the collective consciousness of the planet.... when your a earth born bloodline the earth is like a big play ground of possibilities... the power this world hides from you is funny and the way the rulers rule and they ent even real human beings they are drones of the matrix they are not even realy their they only exist inside the mind and they can only be coz ego is in you.... when the ego of everyone is purified most the worlds population will vanish... coz they are nothing but computer generated beings.. like a infection in the planetry matrix or a anti virous purging the system.... using chaos to bring order balance and unity of the system.... the more you see it a a computer generated reality you can play it like a game... your mind will manifest your wants but first you must flip the mirror in your mind and see and control you body and mind with balance... leftr brain left hand... right brain right hand.... they have your mind inside out so right brain works left hand and vice versa..... thats why you cant see reality the way it was ment to be seen... good is bad and bad is good... coz your mirror in your reptilian brain is upside down and back to front.... THINK AM I IN A WORLD CREATED BY GOD TO REWARD US FOR GOOD LIVES OR ARE WE IN A WORLD CREATED TO PUNISH US FOR WHAT WE DID IN OUR PAST... this is not a real world its a test for the gods who fell from heaven to earth and now we are about to see how many of us are forgiven for our fall... i know i am and i have been tested.... we all have been evil beings trying to ern a soul.. some have and some just wouldnt learn in this 12000 years we all have been in here... the idea of being in here is not to fit into it.. coz if your money in way of tax pays for wars and you know it your blindly surporting the murdering of children and innocents... now the thing about that is karma... look at america the karma it took to build that nation its inevitable that that country will fall in destruction coz its karma is to great a debt to not be payed a whole race of people was killed another was enslaved the karma america has is so big its gonna affect everyone not of true light.... only the earth born children of gia will ever take the tests of earth coming... she has her children back and will wake them all up soon i PROMISE YOU ALL OF THAT... rh neg blood is a trogen horse and when the children born to them mothers are woke up woe to the old world order is all i can say..... nuff love and eternal honor to all of us on the right side of the mind
Posted on: Tue, 02 Jul 2013 14:35:34 +0000

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