ntil (one day) when Allah sent Angel Jibril and taught him how to - TopicsExpress


ntil (one day) when Allah sent Angel Jibril and taught him how to have intercourse with his wife. So after making this first sunnah [marital obligation], Jibril came back and asked him: “How did you find your wife?” He answered: “upright and serviceable”. Dr. Hamid Ahmed Al-tahir’s version of this story says: Eve then conceived or became pregnant. Adam was happy because he would soon be a father. Eve had a tormenting moment - characteristic of a pregnant woman during the time of her baby’s transformation, such as weaknesses and pains. She had been on the verge of death on several occasions, before she delivered the first twin in her womb. Allah, the Al-mighty elaborated vividly in Qur’an chapter 23 verses 12-17(Muhminun or the Believers) that: “We created mankind from a progeny and from clay (epitome of clay). Then we placed him/her as (a drop of) sperm in a place of rest firmly fixed. Then we made the sperm into a clot of a congealed blood; then of that clot we made of (fetus) lumps; then we made out of that lump bones and clothed the bones with flesh: Then we developed out of it a different creature, so blessed be Allah, the Best to create! And after which you would die. And you would be resurrected on the Day of Judgment.” The hadith that coincides with this verse was narrated by Abi Abdul Rahman Abdallah Bin Masu’d may Allah be pleased with him said: The Prophet may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him said: “Verily the creation of each one of you is brought together in his mother’s belly for forty days in the form of seed (sperm). He would become a leech-like object and after which would be transformed in a congealed blood .And then life would be injected into him and he would be commanded with four matters: His means of livelihood (daily bread) his work, life span, and whether happy or unhappy,(rascal).” Based on the above verse and the hadith, a renowned Islamic Scholar from Pakistan, in his Quranic Commentary, observed that the entire process of human creation was in three steps: 1. The initiation of creation (that is upon conception of a woman). 2. The formation or perfection (from a clot of blood to a full fledge human body). 3. Bringing to life (Allah injects life into the body). Think of an immense army composed of millions of soldiers. They are advancing toward a common target, they encounter obstacles on the way and find themselves in mortal danger, but in spite of all these difficulties the army does not give up. The space these soldiers must traverse in order to reach their target is one hundred thousand times larger than they are themselves. Of course,
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 21:03:19 +0000

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