october 29th, 2013 (Our Blessed Mother) Beloved children of My - TopicsExpress


october 29th, 2013 (Our Blessed Mother) Beloved children of My Immaculate Heart: I CARRY YOU WITHIN MY MATERNAL WOMB TO PROTECT YOU FROM WHATEVER CAN HARM YOU. My Son came and gave Himself for all, for all human beings, without distinction and still more for those who carry out His Father’s Will. Children, THIS IS THE INSTANT IN WHICH YOU MUST BECOME AWARE, FULL AWARENESS OF YOUR BEHAVIOR, YOU MUST NOT CONTINUE TO ACT WITHOUT FIRST MEDITATING UPON THE CONSEQUENCES OF THOSE ACTIONS. Every step you take, every word you pronounce, every thought that is born, every feeling you externalize must be sealed with My Son’s Blood since your own personal behavior must carry before it the awareness that you are mirrors of My Son. IN THIS INSTANT MY BELOVED CHILDREN MUST ACT WITH FULL AWARENESS OF THE EVENTS THAT ARISE. HUMANITY IS AT THE EDGE OF A HECATOMB, THE ILL-USE SCIENCE HAS GIVEN ITS DISCOVERIES MAINTAINS THIS GENERATION ON THE EDGE OF EXTINCTION. In this instant man is fed to degenerate his body, unknown diseases surging and cancer proliferating at the same time. They lie and deceive humanity with the consuming of foods genetically altered in laboratories, with the only end being to economically increase the industry of these foods, without the majority of men been aware of this. Everything is presented falsely with the excuse of a bigger and better evolution for the human organism. The pharmaceutical industry in turn, has taken part in this desorder of the human organism; chemistry has not been used correctly. In this instant, humanity is degenerating in its cells and all its body is led to fall into an unthinkable set-back. THE GREAT FOOD INDUSTRIES POISON THE BODY´S SYSTEM OF MY CHILDREN, WITHOUT THEM BEING AWARE OF IT. IS THIS NOT A PRODUCT OF EVIL? Is this not An arm of the antichrist, who desires to eliminate millions of My children through sickness? In this instant, man is invaded by technology, leading him to dissociate and to totally separate the relationship with his brothers and sisters. This must not continue; men’s interaction has been cut, diminishing fraternity and the lack of communication being the cause of fatal and unexpected reactions on man’s part. Children of My Immaculate Heart, science, with its advances, has as its aim, for every human being to be independent without needing his or her brothers and sisters. This way it is easier to conduct a solitary soul towards the wrong paths. It is different when My children are united and in a single Heart, then they are strong. The events that I am announcing through this, My Maternal Heart, are a blink of an eye away. MAN, MY SON, MUST PREPARE HIS CONSCIENCE AND WALK CORRECTLY, HE MUST EXPAND HIS MIND AND HIS HEART TO RECEIVE AND HEAR THE INSPIRATION, GUIDANCE AND DISCERNMENT FROM THE HOLY SPIRIT, THE COMFORTER. My beloved, behind the apparent peace and apparent efforts of peace hides the one and only government the powerful of the world will establish. With the establishment of one government, humanity in general will find itself at the mercy of the whims of the high leaders and thus will one currency and one religion be established. My beloved People will suffer in the face of this new structure that will be presented to humanity. You must see beyond the words they address to you and prepare yourselves not only for the events, but allow your conscience to guide you on the path of good. CLING WITH LOVE TO MY SON’S WORD, KEEP INNER SILENCE SO THAT YOU HEAR MY SON AND HE GUIDES YOU. Beloved children: How many have turned away from the spiritual path, by the word of a Consacrated person who has not acted according to My Son’s Will! How many do not desire to return to My Son’s path! In this instant, beloved Sons of My Immaculate Heart: YOU MUST BE THOSE SHEPHERDS OF WHOM MY SON SPEAKS IN THE SACRED SCRIPTURE, YOU MUST BE HUMBLE AND SIMPLE, YOU MUST KNOW HOW TO GUIDE MY CHILDREN WITH LOVE AND WITH PATIENCE, YOU MUST BE AUSTERE LIKE MY SON AND MUST GIVE WITNESS BEFORE YOUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS OF THE TRUE SPIRITUAL AND MATERIAL LIFE, IN LIKENESS OF THE DIVINE TEACHER. The frictions between Powers, speed up disputes and accelerate confrontations. This is used with the end of creating great movements and disputes among human beings, bringing pain. Children of My Immaculate Heart, look on high, for from on high Blessing descends, do not despise/scorn the signs, see how the habits of the animals have changed; this is a sign of the vibration of the Earth from within, and this is perceived by animals that immediately change their behavior. Learn to see the signs of the times, Nature has caused the weather to be unpredictable, the fury of Nature surpasses that of the past, all the World will shake and the countries with costal zones will suffer the most. My beloved: PRAY FOR ONE ANOTHER, RECEIVE MY SON, OPEN THE DOOR OF YOUR HEART TO HIM AND ALLOW HIM TO TRANSFORM YOU FROM WITHIN, FIRST INDIVIDUALLY. ATTRACT YOUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS THROUGH YOUR WITNESS. The enemy of the soul, the antichrist, moves through the streets of Rome and he has created strong ties that will lift him up. My children, if you are not ready spiritually, you will be dragged to the pits of evil and sin. My children remain alert, for masonry is the antichrist’s antechamber. Do not let yourselves be carried away by modernisms or by inconsistencies. BE THE HOLY REMNANT, THOSE SOULS THAT LIKE LIT CANDLES, REMAIN TO BRING BLESSING TOWARDS ALL OF HUMANITY IN GENERAL. Fight, be brave to proclaim My Son’s Word, carry out His Will and His Commandments. BE AWARE OF THE PURIFICATION, IT HAS BEGUN AND IN THE NEAR FUTURE THE TRIALS AND SCOURGES WILL BE CONTINUOUS. Do not forget that you are children of the King of Heaven and Earth, and all those who are faithful to Him, will find in the midst of Tribulation the joy and the the comfort of calling themselves sons and daughters of Christ, sons and daughters of the King, sons and daughters of the Omnipotent, seeing the Tribulation as a pleasing offering to God and receiving the crown of that good behavior. My beloved: Pray for China, it will suffer excessively. Pray, for nuclear energy has contaminated the entire Planet and the Earth has been taken ill from man’s behavior. My beloved, pray for those countries in which their rulers oppress their Peoples with the rod of communism that like a roaring lion, charges against the humble and simple. BELOVED, REMAIN ALERT, AND DO NOT ALLOW MY SON TO BE THROWN OUT OF THE HEART, MIND AND THOUGHTS OF EACH ONE OF YOU. I bless you with all My Perpetual Love; My Love is before each one of you so that fear does not reach you, but your conscience be transformed “ipso facto.” I remain with you to defend you… I remain to be a Mother and with My Arms extended, cradle you. Do not fear. I love you ardently. HAIL MARY MOST PURE, CONCEIVED WITHOUT SIN. HAIL MARY MOST PURE, CONCEIVED WITHOUT SIN. HAIL MARY MOST PURE, CONCEIVED WITHOUT SIN. October 23rd, 2013 (Our Lord Jesus Christ) My beloved People: YOU WALK AND WITH EVERY STEP YOU TAKE, MY PRECIOUS BLOOD IS SHED TO PROTECT YOU. You continue living, separating Me from you and pushing Me away from you… My beloved, in the end times I will be cruelly driven off by My children and abandoned by those who are Mine. My beloved People, consternation will reach all those who love Me, but Faith in My Protection must keep you secure. Just as My People were fed in the desert, so again those who are Mine will be fed and protected. THE OPPRESSOR OF SOULS , WITH A HEAVY HAND, TURNS TO TORTURE MY PEOPLE WITH DECEITS AND LIES… AND MY PEOPLE WILL BELIEVE IN HIM. You turn away from Me so quickly, that My Heart trembles continuously. You do not know Me: You have come to disown Me… You have come to forget My Word… You have come to even mention that My Word is not true… You have come to question Me and science has not evolved for good, rather on the contrary, it has led man to feel superior to Me and to believe he is lord of all that has been created, but Creation maintains its subjection and respect to Its Creator and Lord. ONLY MAN FORGETS ME WITH GREAT EASE. I am a King, and I remain constantly alert over My People, but My People have disowned Me and I must wait with My Infinite Patience for them to return to Me. My beloved People: MY BLESSING IS NOT SEPARATED FROM YOU, IT REMAINS IN YOU, IT IS YOU WHO HAVE CONTINUOUSLY TURNED AWAY FROM MY PRESENCE, FORM MY LOVE AND DO NOT ACCEPT MY WORD THAT IS BLESSING FOR YOUR JOURNEYING. I invite you to pray for My beloved People of Costa Rica, they will suffer. I invite you to pray for Jamaica and China, they will suffer. And to all those souls who remain before Me supplicating, humble and obedient, fighting against all of evil’s machinery, I INVITE TO SPREAD MY WORD AND TO LEAD ALL TO THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE CONSECRATION TO MY MOTHER’S IMMACULATE HEART, URGENTLY, IN THIS COMPELLING MOMENT FOR THIS GENERATION. My beloved, before the warnings of an economy that is sunken, lost and suffocating, maintain Peace. It is not with the god man adores and that rules the will of the materialist man, it is not with that false god of money with which My People will reach Me; it is with the awareness of and obedience to My Words and with the faithful fulfillment of My Commandments, it is with the constant sojourn of each one of you in the Divine Will, and it is with My People’s action, being living testimonies of My palpitating Love. Keep in mind that evil moves quickly and My Church continues passive; be aware of the Truth I convey. My beloved People: I LOVINGLY CALL YOU TO BE WORTHY CHILDREN OF MINE, TO REMAIN IN FAITH AND CARRY OUT MY PETITIONS, BECAUSE I COME SOON TO GATHER THE HARVEST AND TO SEPARATE THE WHEAT FROM THE CHAFF. I bless all those children of Mine who make an effort so that My Word and My Requests reach all your brothers and sisters. I bless those who suffer for Me, those who endure, those who proclaim My Calls with courage to this humanity thirsting for Divine Love and that scorns Me continuously. Nature already gives signs of repudiation towards man, the animals give signs of the nearness of My arrival and of the purification of the man of this generation. The pure Earth that has supported those who are Mine, you have contaminated it to its bowels and thus, man will suffer the consequences of this great evil he has caused. I BLESS YOU WITH MY LOVE, I BLESS YOUR MIND, YOUR THOUGHTS, I BLESS YOUR WILL SO THAT YOU FIRMLY BIND IT AND BRING IT BEFORE MY PRESENCE. Remain in peace, without forgetting that this King does not abandon His own and will provide them with whatever is necessary so that My children do not suffer more than is due. MY LOVE AND MY PEACE BE WITH EACH ONE OF YOU. I BLESS YOU. Carry My Word and My Love constantly in you, for only the one who is a living testimony of My behavior and actions, is a worthy reflection of My Love. Your Jesus. HAIL MARY MOST PURE, CONCEIVED WITHOUT SIN. HAIL MARY MOST PURE, CONCEIVED WITHOUT SIN. HAIL MARY MOST PURE, CONCEIVED WITHOUT SIN.
Posted on: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 13:25:08 +0000

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