od, I thank you for my family, I thank you for my friends, This - TopicsExpress


od, I thank you for my family, I thank you for my friends, This past year has been tough but God you never once let me down, I may have let you down but with your grace and mercy I found my way back, May not be perfect but I am your child and your love is unconditional , just as my love for my children is, When you say you love your family and you hurt them so bad they dont want you in their lives and you are suppose to be a Christian , You need to find an altar, because the Jesus I serve doesnt live in your heart, Jesus is love without that you are still lost, and yes you may go to church every Sunday, but that dont make you a child of God, only thru Jesus can you really find what true love is, When you are a leader of a family and you preach one way and then you your self do opposite, my friend Jesus will hold you accountable on higher level than others for you were there Father, So just keep in mind when you tell your children you are a Christian , make sure that they can see it in your everyday life not only when you are around others. For God gave them to you to introduce them to him, So we as mothers and father have to give account one day for our actions as parents, So lets make sure our Heavenly Father can say to us one dayWell done , instead of Depart from me. I know you not, Remember you are not perfect just forgiven, Love to you all
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 00:38:00 +0000

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