ok, i have been wanting to post my feelings about thursdays - TopicsExpress


ok, i have been wanting to post my feelings about thursdays referendum for some time but doing it on my phone is a pain in the hoop. im on a computer just now so here goes... the desision to vote yes wasnt as plain a choice for me as many may think. being an ex squaddie, political musician and working in a job that straddles the border all make it hard to just say yes or no. i have spent 2 years now cross referencing every sourse that the yes campaign puts out there and it comes down to this.. like him or hate him alec salmond and his yes team are the most transparent of the 2 campaigns. yes he has dodged a few big questions but the reality is this.. no one knows for certain how things will go beause the uk government refuses to enter into discusions untill after a yes vote. this is a government who took us into 2 illegal wars . actively engaged in rendition against the geneva convention and who sold the royal mail to their buddies for a fraction of its true worth. who hid the mcrone report for 3 decades and continue to down play the huge oil and gas reserves in scottish territorial waters that incedentely tony blairs labour have stolen 6000 sq miles of. they are systematically selling off the nhs to private investors and their argument to throw the public off the scent is to quote figures that show investment is at a record level.. yes because you pay more for the services you recieve making these private companies huge profits. who sits on their boards of directors ? take a guess people. the military budget is squandered in the same way.. buying over priced kit from their buddies .the whle system is corrupt. but on thursday we have a chance to start fresh. clean slate and make a scotland we can be proud of again. it will be hard, they wont give us anything were not prepared to fight for but the rewards will be huge, the cost will be managable. i have 2 grandkids i want them to be proud of our choice. there will be tough times but those will be better because we are a nation who refuses to spend more than a second on our knees longer than we have too. its not about voting with your head or heart.its not about who said what when .. its about doing whats best for our kids. can we aford it ? well if we stick to being a respectfull nation without the aspirations of being a global super power then you bet we can and you know what ... people will respect us for that choice more than by sticking with a union that promotes the self interests of the eletist few over the moral majority. better together have our nation pegged as subsidy junkies who are happy to sit back and be ruled .... no more!!! stand up for whats right ..stand up for a scotland we can be proud in ! (excuse the spelling lol. thats thatchers education for you)
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 12:58:53 +0000

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