oncecrazy.tumblr: Prince Thomas/Sean Herman: What Is Going - TopicsExpress


oncecrazy.tumblr: Prince Thomas/Sean Herman: What Is Going On? During Sundays 4x07 episode there was a scene where Henry approached Regina to tie his tie. Before that she was flipping through the storybook. When she flipped past the picture of Cinderella and Thomas I did a double take. I rewound it and paused. Cinderella’s face and hair looked very cartoon-y while Prince Thomas’ looked much more realistic and detailed. But even weirder than that, I did not remember his hair being that long. I dismissed it thinking I was over thinking and decided I would look up the original episode later. Judging by the dates on his Instagram/Twitter photos it looks as though he’s been growing his hair out since February. So why the need to change it in the book? Why put so much attention into such a tiny detail. My instant thought was that we’d be seeing him in Storybrooke with long hair and they were trying to smooth it over. But he’s been in Storybrooke long enough that it’s completely plausible his hair grew out. And obviously they must have had some contact with the actor in order to update the picture to resemble the hairstyle the actor currently has. Besides that, we have the baby confusion. Alexandra should be two or three by now. And baby Alex was dressed in boy clothing at the mommy and me support group. I was ready to believe this was actually their second child until Ashley said that it was a support group for first time mothers. And yes I’m aware that they can dress their baby however they want. However on a television show where attention to detail is extremely important, you’d think they’d want to make sure the gender was more obvious. Something really fishy is going on with this Ashley/Sean storyline. I’m really starting to think Ashley’s cameo was not a “one and done” deal. Everything in film is done on purpose and with a purpose. And the lack of explanation from any of the writers on any forms of social media is leading me to believe it may be part of something bigger they’re trying to keep under wraps. -B
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 08:15:11 +0000

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