orthosonicbrush/cleaning-braces/ Cleaning Teeth with - TopicsExpress


orthosonicbrush/cleaning-braces/ Cleaning Teeth with Braces cleaning bracesBrushing teeth properly is a necessity to avoid bad breath, tooth decay and even gum disease. It can become a challenge when you have braces on your teeth. The reason is obvious: Braces are designed to realign teeth in the mouth, and they must exert pressure selectively to achieve this goal. The pressure is directed through an array of brackets glued to the tooth surface and connected with wires. All of this “hardware” obstructs access to the tooth surface, so removing the plaque that accumulates after every meal is more difficult. Pitfalls of Cleaning Teeth with Braces If all goes well, the result will be exciting: finally you have that beautiful smile you deserve, with perfectly aligned teeth. But sometimes, things can go terribly wrong: Improper cleaning may create white or brown soft spots on teeth where the tooth enamel has been eroded by bacteria. Fluoride treatments and potentially cavity preparations may become necessary. Brushing too hard on gums may damage sensitive gums. The result could be gum erosion or gum recession, making gum surgery necessary. Proper Cleaning of Teeth with Braces If you have braces, you know how tough it can be to clean your teeth properly after every meal. Brushing with regular manual toothbrushes can be painfully slow, and often, the nooks and crannies of braces are not totally clean. Some spinning electric toothbrushes just seem to brush around the braces, but never really get into the spaces between braces and teeth to totally remove food rests. It is important, that your toothbrush/cleaning system get into the tight spaces between the teeth and braces to remove all traces of food, plaque, etc. The Ideal Cleaning System Here’s what you should look for in a good cleaning system: Easy to use, point and clean Protect Sensitive gums Vibrating, not rotating action Easy to transport, hygienic good brush geometry that”hugs” the surface of teeth and braces The DHI Sensitive Ortho Sonic Brush was designed with orthodontic braces in mind.
Posted on: Sun, 01 Sep 2013 08:43:25 +0000

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