over hyped jitters during elections are very normal and I feel - TopicsExpress


over hyped jitters during elections are very normal and I feel there is no instance when allegations of corruption have not been levelled during elections. Leaders seem to be obsessed by hurling accusations upon accusations on their rivals while seeking votes from the electors.Unhappy voters are attracted by loud and noisy sermons.This practically is happening both at the national and the state levels. In this hype, the real problems being faced by the voters are relegated to background and efforts are initiated at winning the election and once one is elected no heed is paid to the real issues that keep on lingering till next parliament elections.This is exactly that has happening in the city and resolving of many such problems that have been hovering the minds of the city residents are doing the rounds. The residents of the group housing societies have been representing that the internal infrastructure within the precincts of the societies needs to be done by the Administration and the demand is not devoid of merit as the administration itself had decided to do so but later reversed its role. Similarly residents of the housing board flats have been crying horse to seek approval for certain need based changes affected in their flats. Despite clearance of about 55 such need based changes are yet being treated as violations. Chandigarh residents despite being possessed of great entrepreneurial skills and finances, no policy that promotes industrialisation of small or big industries has been framed. Chandigarh Administration having formulated a housing policy for its employees has failed to provide housing even to those who have been issued LOIs. If this is so, how the administration shall deal with those who were unsuccessful in the draw of lots would be addressed? Housing has been entrusted to the nodal agency of the Administration, Chandigarh Housing Board, its employees are sore as their demand for pension is hanging fire. True during the last 15 years Pawan Bansal has done a lot for the improvisation of the citys infrastructure and has doled out substantial funds from his MP LAD funds, has brought increased budget allocations both for plan and non plan heads, MCC has built community centres. But the residents rue if all these are the norms of development. What is being done to address their problems that affect them individually and it is here that neither the Member of Parliament for three consecutive terms nor the BJP that is craving to come to power in the name of Narendra Modi has anything to offer. Can any one provide an answer to these intricate problems that have been hounding the daily routine of the city residents.City residents are more concerned about their small problems than the ones being projected by all the political parties. Pawan Bansal is under obligation to tell the residents as to what are his plans on keeping the bureaucracy of the city in check and make it responsive to residents of the city. This question is addressed to him as he is a deemed winner of 2014 elections from the city he has nurtured so well.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 14:46:32 +0000

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