( posting this now, bc knowing me Ill fall asleep. ☺️ enjoy - TopicsExpress


( posting this now, bc knowing me Ill fall asleep. ☺️ enjoy Ambie ) first of all, HAPPY BIRTHDAY second of all, heres where your paragraph comes in. but Ambie Lynn I love you so much tbh. like I have no clue what Id do without you. some people may think Im exaggerating but Im really not. I consider you like an older sister I have no idea what Im going to write in this, like theres so much! but my mind is completely blank now. we have a lot more pictures, but theyre like really really ugly ones. weve been through hell. and weve still stuck by eachothers side. like I honestly cant thank you enough. we used to be best friends then we stopped being close, and now were even closer! I dont even think we were really best friends way back then. we were just close friends. ;)) but now, its to the point where if somethings wrong I only message you about it! and Ive realized Im starting to talk like you, and move my hands/fingers like you. last week, we hung out so much! you came to my house basically every day after school, and rode with me to school in the morning & we still didnt get annoyed with eachother, and after a couple days I get annoyed with other people, but never you. I trust you with my whole life tbh. youre an amazing person, inside & out. (: you always know how to make me smile/laugh even when Im on the edge of crying my eyes out. not a lot of people can do that. simple messages from you like have a great day beautiful can change everything about my day. & even if Im acting perfectly normal, you can always tell if somethings wrong, like its so weird but I love it! I cant even explain, how strong you are. you go through way too much for just a teenager, way too much than you should. and youve stayed so strong, for this long astonishes me { ooo big word } like I honestly look up to you. ✊ youre so beautiful ugh like I could go on & on forever about it! youre perfect. like, you may not think you are bc you have flaws.. but seriously everyone does! even Beyoncé. but, they make you a hell of a lot more perfect. everything about you, makes you, you. anybody, would be lucky af to have you! seriously, Id wife you. idec. you a wifey type boo. omg this is so long. sorry love. ☺️ we have so many memories, and we always act crazy together. we could just be laying in my bed & youd say something funny & Id add on to it, and wed be on the verge of pissing ourselves. like, youre the only person i really need anymore. I dont even know how, to explain our friendship. remember yes, ambers so ugly i dont even know how the mirror is still in one piece oh mom. ☺️ but, its crazy to know that i actually have a friend like you. my sister loves you (and my sister doesnt like most of my friends) and so does my mom. like they love having you around. youre always smiling, and just funny af man. this year, was hella hard for you. and its so understandable. im so glad, I helped you through most of it, and you always came to me, when things got real again. ♥️ amber, i really want you to know, if people hate you bc something you did, i wont. im not gonna leave you, when things get hard/real. im gonna stick by your side. the people that leave you, when things get rough are just your friend, who arent true friends. but im your best friend. youve always done that for me. honestly, if it wasnt for you, i wouldnt be where i am now. and just trying to come up with words, to say thank you, is just too much work. like thank you, doesnt properly thankyou. at this point my ipod is being really slow, I think bc this is so long. ☺️ and i chose this song bc youve been obsessed with it lately well, I would write more, but I have a feeling you wont even read this. so, ima stop now. love you so much! and happy birthday again ambie!
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 02:25:07 +0000

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