praise the lord and good morning to you all across the globe, do - TopicsExpress


praise the lord and good morning to you all across the globe, do you no just for any reason peoples just hates on you because they aint got any thing else better to do its a shim sham need to get right you no my saying use to be talk to the hand because ur FACE cant seems to understand watt is coming out of ur own mouth. see if peoples would do watt they are suppose to do they want have to nick pick and think there just higher than there face all you see is mouth moving but no sound is coming out thats just like watching television and the television is down you trying to read there mouth because you cant hear watt is saying the volume is down, here is watt you do YOU set over here and do watt the lord has mandated you to do if YOU dont do it i promise you I will if you cant buckle down and do watt is required of you go and .......sit on ur face and just dont move until YOU start doing and that is obeying the lord ok thank you for taking the time and listening watt i have to say and stop being and over eating cow if you want the truth about it that is a sin so aint no sin greater than any others so talk about that jack now YOU get it together i am tired of same oh church and so is the lord if you not doing any thing to build the kingdom well go and set down it have been said that the lord is gonna uncover so if you dont want to be expose WELL set ur behind down some were its time out for the bishops the apostle and pastor mainly to get out of ur own way and stop being an idiotic yeah i came with a new name for you idiotic and a idiocy and quite playing with ur self when are you gonna raise up and really do watt you are suppose to be doing in the kingdom instead of talking about some one that is a shame that a pastor bishop apostle be talking about the mens and womens of god question>>>??? do you no watt and incubus is an succubus see the different with both is one sucks the life out of the peoples thats an succubus and incubus is almost the same but it leave you life less with out any reason to survive i can go on and on i do my research on things of that nature but if you keep it up ur gonna bust hell wide open with ur deadly spirit and NO you aint better that the lords peoples that is being raised up to come to the fore front while ur playing they are being raised up right before your very eyes dont get it twisted you trying to hold them down the lord pulling them up with out YOUR permission so......MOVE the lord dont need ur help in fact he is getting ready to set you down and put in place the ones that is gonna be a go getter sense you want do watt he is required of you besides chasing skirts were is ur dignity a Horten is not a person that have junk every were in a sense its different with you, you ur self is all OVER the place chasing skirts instead of being a god chaser you are like an alien with ur antenna up hold on to ur lug nuts because its TIMEEEEEEEEEE for and over HALL the lord is doing a sweep through he is gonna help you clean ur closet since YOU want do it now WHOSE UR DADDY ridio ur silver AWAYYYYYYY you go indeed,
Posted on: Sun, 08 Sep 2013 15:44:35 +0000

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