quotev/quiz/4046042/Your-Creepypasta-Life/ - TopicsExpress


quotev/quiz/4046042/Your-Creepypasta-Life/ my stowy :3 Ann Your real name was Brianna Holloway but you abandoned that name and changed it to just Ann when you turned into a Creepypasta. BFF/s: Jeff and Ben Potential boyfriend: Jeff Enemies: Zalgo. Personality: Your temper is fairly long but you get really angry when you fail to kill someone and you tend to be aggressive when threatened but you never start a fight if you believe that it is stupid. Youre responsible enough to know what and what not to do in certain situations but you are very sadistic. What you look like: You have long hair that is a really dark shade of brown. Your right eye is brown and your left is blue with a black sclera and you have blood running down it. Weapon: A bowie knife Saying: Sweet Dreams Your hobby: Before you became insane, you were a nearly a black-belt in karate. You still keep practicing it in your spare time when you dont kill. You also use it when your victims fight back. Special Abilities gained: You can hear things from a maximum of 200 meters away. You jump higher than most people and you have quicker reflexes. How you kill: You stab in the heart, throat, head or stomach. If youre in a bad mood, you give them a slow and painful death. You slowly cut off their fingers, then you gouge out one of their eyes before you kill them. After you kill them, you write on the wall with their blood Sweet dreams Your story: You and your parents were driving to go hiking when a truck slammed into your car. The windows broke as the car rolled around and a glass shard pierced your left eye. As soon, as you woke up, you were in a hospital and because the damage to your left eye was too great, they had to give you an eye transplant, but the donors didnt have your eye color so they had to settle for a blue. Your parents died in the crash and none of your relatives were willing to take you with them. The doctor said that they were going to send you to an orphanage. The problem was that you didnt want to go to the orphanage so you escaped. You went back to your old house and lived alone for a few days before you had to go because the hospital was looking for you so you had no other choice but to live in the streets. You survived with a bit of scraps here and there while crying your heart out every night as you missed your parents. You beat the occasional gang here and there, stealing their money which was probably stolen and youd have decent food for a few days. One night, a group of kidnappers took you, thinking that you had parents willing to pay for ransom. You had a few karate skills up your sleeves but they managed to knock you out with chloroform. As soon as you woke up, a male kicked you. Aww, is sleeping beauty awake? Now, he kicked you again, tell me where your parents are. Dead. You said with blood running down your lip. Dont lie to me. He growled and yanked your hair. Over and over again, he beat you up. When he finally realized that you werent lying, he growled and poured a mild acid in your left eye. You sanity started to crack at this point while you felt the stinging pain of the acid. It ended up burning a layer of your sclera off, showing the black tissue underneath. You didnt know how the hell your iris survived all that but you couldnt care less as the pain kept coming in never ending waves. He left you as you screamed and screamed at the burning pain in your left eye. The rest of his gang came and started beating you up. They left you after they felt satisfied. The leader came back with a threatening looking knife which you realized was a bowie knife. Since we no longer need you, weve decided to kill you. Your eyes widened in fear. He smiled at your reaction and he held up a container filled with powder in it. W-Whats that? You asked, your voice shaky. He looked at the container. Oh this? Why dont you come and find out? He walked over to you and opened the small container. He grabbed a pinch, looked at you then poured it on your left eye. It hurt again and you finally found out what the powder was. Crushed glass. The tiny particles damaged your tear ducts and blood started to flow from it. You desperately tried to blink it away, the pain intensifying by tenfold. You managed to blink most of the particles away while some of them were carried by the blood. He raised the knife, ready to end your life and you saw your reflection in the knife. Your sanity snapped and you began to laugh at your appearance. He stopped in his tracks, confused as to why you laughed and you used this moment to hit him with the chair you were tied to. He was knocked down and slightly dazed and you broke from your bonds through sheer strength. You grabbed the knife and you looked at him with a deranged grin. He backed away. P-please, spare me. he whimpered pathetically. You wanted to hurt him so badly, you wanted to see his blood splatter everywhere and you want to gut him. You did just that. Before he died, you whispered one thing that your mother always told you before you went to bed. Two, simple words. Sweet dreams. The rest of his gang ran over to his screams and saw you and his dead, bloody and gutted body. You turn to them with a serious expression before you cracked an insane smile and laughed. Your clothes were stained with dark crimson and the walls were painted with their friends blood. You looked at them after you finished laughing and without warning, you ran up to them and gave them the same treatment as you did with their friend. After that, you wrote on the walls Sweet dreams with their bloods. You went into a killing spree and people were terrified to death of you(who wouldnt be?). After your last kill, you decided to let your name be known to the police. After you wrote sweet dreams on your victims wall, you wrote -Ann after it. To the world you were Ann, a psychopathic murderer. The police tried their best to capture you, but they were terrified as you can wipe out an entire police force with only a few cuts. How you found the Creepypastas: Your appearance didnt remain unknown to the rest of the pastas. They read the news and every week, they expect you to have killed numerous numbers of people. You didnt disappoint them. Haha, check this out. L.J said while pointing to a certain article. Ann strikes again. Pfft, whats the fuss about her? Shes probably just another normal serial killer. Jeff said lazily from the couch while while wiping the blood off his knife. Jeff, have you seen what she looked like? She doesnt look like any other normal serial killers. Ben said, not looking up once from his game as he remembered your photo. You with a black sclera and blood running down it. Yeah, and also, no ordinary serial killer can kill this much people in a week. Eyeless Jack added while counting the number of kidneys he got. Slender studied the newspaper that Laughing Jack gave him and wondered who she was most like of all the Creepypastas residing in his mansion. He looked at Jeff and at once decided. Jeff, I want you to assess her skills and see if she is truly a Creepypasta like us. Jeff shot up from the couch. What?! Hell no, why cant Ben do it? Hey, dont dump all your work on me! Shut up! Slender shook his head. By her kills, she sounds like she prefers everything messy and youre most like her. I am not messy!... Ok, maybe I am but why me? Just do it. Thats an order or else Ill kick you out. Jeff glared at Slender. Fine. He got out and slammed the door on everyone. He has serious anger management issues. Everyone but Slender snickered. Jeff muttered and cursed under his breath as he trudged on in the woods. He realized that he didnt know where you were and screamed out in rage. You saved him the trouble because you were near Slenders woods and your sensitive hearing heard his scream, which meant he was close by at least 200 meters. Curiosity took over you and you went in the woods. After fifteen minutes of walking in circles, you came across a boy with black hair, pale skin and black rims around his eyes. His most noticeable feature was the carved smile on his face and his white hoodie. Jeff immediately recognized you and moved to attack you. Assess her strength? No prob. He thought, very intent on killing you. As soon as you saw his knife, you dodged his oncoming swing and ducked the next one that he sent after you. You realized that he was no ordinary human and you attacked him to the best of your abilities. He brought his knife down and you blocked it with your own, the clang of the metal echoing around the woods. You swept his feet from under him and he fell down. Jeff rolled away from your knife and you ran after him as soon as he got up. He ducked, darted, and dodged all your attacks and you did the same. The fight lasted for a good 40 minutes and you were running out of stamina. You blocked and he turned around then pinned you against a tree, his knife on your throat. Go. To. Sleep. He whispered. You stared at him defiantly before he removed his knife from your throat, you felt confused as to why but abandoned the thought and tried to knee him in the stomach which he blocked easily with his hands. He smiled wider, if that was possible and dropped his knife before putting his hands up in defeat. Since the fight was over, you didnt make a move to attack him but you kept your guard up. I was wrong about you. Youre definitely one of us. He held out his hands. My names Jeff. Pleased to meet you, Ann. You stared at his hands before he chuckled. It isnt a trap if thats what youre wondering. You shook his hands and he bent over to pick up his knife before putting it in his hoodie pockets. You kept your bowie knife as well. How do you know me? You asked, unsure whether you should trust him or not. We all know you. We? Were called Creepypastas and youre one as well. We kill people. At the mention of the word kill your interest was peaked and you asked him all about it. He explained how they were all insane and said he lived with a boy called Ben, a little girl named Sally, a kidney lover called Eyeless Jack, a clown called Laughing Jack, and many more and finally he told you about Slender. Now you werent dumb, you knew who Slender was. You agreed to meet them and you arrived at the mansion. He opened the door and everyone inside stared at him. Well? Slender asked. Jeff stepped aside to show you to everyone. They were silent for a while before someone with a blue mask with black goo dripping from the sockets sighed. Thank god. We thought Jeff had actually killed you. Im Eyeless Jack by the way, but call me E.J. Hahaha. So youre Ann. My names Laughing Jack. A clown with a black and white cone for a nose said. Ben paused his game to look at you and grinned. Im Ben. Did you have fun fighting Jeff? You frowned, No. He was annoyingly persistent. Jeff scratched the back of his head awkwardly. Everyone laughed. Im sure he was. A boy with a white mask said. By the way, my names Masky and this, he showed you a boy with a yellow hoodie that shadowed his face and showed only his red eyes and frown, is Hoodie. Hoodie only nodded. Slender stood up from his seat and you suddenly felt intimidated by how tall he was. Child, has Jeff told you about the ways of being a Creepypasta. He asked. You nodded. Dont feel as if you have a new responsibility on your shoulders. Just continue on with what you normally do. Being a Creepypasta is a just a title and you may choose to live or to not live with us. But Im warning you, there are some like us out there that arent as accepting as us. A girl clutching a teddy bear walked down the stairs and rubbed her eyes. Slendy, whats with all the noise? Sally, we have a new member of the family. The girl, Sally, immediately ran over to you and hugged you. Yay! Finally, a sister! You remained frozen before you hugged her back and smiled slightly. So child, do you wish to live with us? You were thinking of declining until you saw Sally giving you the puppy-dog eyes which was too cute to resist and you saw everyones expectant eye on you as well. Come to think of it, you were pretty lonely because, well, whod want to be friends with a psycho? Since everyone here was a psycho, then you might just find friends. Yes, Slender. I accept your offer. You said and you were crushed by Sallys hug. Yay! Everyone stopped what they were doing and congratulated you or slapped you in the back. ~♠~ Youve been living with them for months now and you became bestfriends with Ben and Jeff who were both hilarious. You would sometimes accompany Jeff on his killing sprees and you both have a competition to see who can kill the most. He usually wins but when you do, he isnt a sore loser and he congratulates you. Everyone enjoyed your company thoroughly, especially Sally since there were no other girls in the house besides you. Jeff would never admit it, but he was starting to like you. You had an encounter with Zalgo while walking through the woods for a nice break. He attacked you and you tried to run away but he caught up to you easily. So this was what Slender meant when he said not all of them were as accepting. You tried to run away back to the mansion but it seemed that his main goal was to kill you. He had stabbed you in your stomach and he gave you more minor cuts as well. You still ran away, as sickening as that sounds to you since you absolutely hated giving up. As soon as you reached the mansions vicinity, Zalgo seemed to have disappeared in thin air. When you opened the doors, everyone already saw you and you were relieved that Slender wasnt there or else... you didnt want to imagine it. But Jeff and Ben was there, and they were so angry that it took the two Jacks and and Maskys help to hold them back from marching outside and look for Zalgo. Imma kill that motherfu**er. Where is he. Where the hell is he!? Jeff, calm down. Its just a scratch. Just a scratch? Just a scratch! Jeezus, Ann, I dont call a stabbed stomach a freakin scratch! Ill be fine. You reassured him while he treated your injuries. Ben was surprisingly quiet. Ben? You asked to see if he was alright. Are you ok? No! How can I be when you nearly died. We can live longer than humans but if you die, you die! You only sighed but smiled at their worry towards you. Ben left reluctantly when you said that you can stand up and he left you alone with Jeff. As soon as you made a move for the door, Jeff grabbed your wrists and you turned to look at him with a raised brow. Whats wrong? You asked and you were shocked when he hugged you. You both stayed in that position for a while before Jeff said Be more careful next time. And walked away leaving you frozen with surprise.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 12:36:27 +0000

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