recently had a conversation with a friend of who is a pure - TopicsExpress


recently had a conversation with a friend of who is a pure atheist. I can understand agnosticism, but I cant fathom denying the existence of a spiritual realm. Denying a spiritual realm is like denying the existence of microwaves. there is no shame in saying I dont understand microwaves, but to say they dont exist is foolish. theres far too much evidence that microwaves are legitimate and real, and theres no other explanation for how food heats up when you set it inside to hold a little plastic box for a minute. likewise, there are no real explanation for many things that happened as a result of spiritual rhelm. specifically regarding the Bible, how do we explain how Daniel predicted medo-Persia would concur Babylon, and then be conquered by greece, and then after Greece Conquered Medo-Persia, its King would die at a young age and his kingdom would split into four parts? Ps- Daniel said God told him in a dream. Unless, you claim this was written down after it all coccured, you have to get some credence to the idea that there is a spiritual rhelm. and I would argue, that you also have to give credence to a God that Daniel credits for his insight, is in fact a God. not only do I believe that he is a God, I believe that he is in charge of all the other entities that exist in the spiritual realm.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 19:58:06 +0000

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