scared the hell out of the kids with these stories they will haunt - TopicsExpress


scared the hell out of the kids with these stories they will haunt you...... Scalper Joe Newman had just returned home from his new job.It had been a week now since he and his wife and son moved into there new house.It was late and everyone seemed to be asleep so he took a load off and turned on the t.v. a documentary was on about myths and monster and they were focusing on the story of a native serial killer who believed he could live forever by eating hair. As he watched on , he heard the sound of his front door open and shut and somebody run up the stairs. immediately he darted after the sound to see what was happening.He ran through the 2nd floor looking for whatever it could be.After an extensive search,he found nothing and decided to go to bed.It had been a long day and he thought now that he was just hearing things.His wife was on her side of the bed covered from head to toe,which was nothing unusual for her.He crawled beside her and flipped the covers back to see a her laying in a pool of blood with the top of her head missing.He panicked and ran down the hall to his sons room.The top of his head too had bed removed and blood covered the entire room as if there was a struggle.Joe went and got his gun then loaded it then ran downstairs to call the police.however the phone was dead so this was impossible.from upstairs he heard footsteps run down the hall.Someone was still in the house.He prepared his gun a started up the stairs yelling out that he had a gun and would shoot.No one answered back.after a moment a knock started from inside a closet at the end of the hallway.It continued as Joe focused his attention on it and yelled out for it to surrender from the closet.The knocking continued until Joe threaten to shoot through the door when it stopped suddenly.Joe fired three bullets into the door,then slowly opened it to see....... nothing.Suddenly from behind hes grabbed by the hair and the top of this head is peeled off with a blade.As he collapses the killer begins to eat his scalp. The Mourning man This is the story of a man..not a mean or violent man although he was very strange,he was a gravedigger and after spending all night digging graves for the newly deceased,he had the hobby of watching children in bed asleep through there windows in the early mourning hours.He never harmed or disturbed them however,his intentions being merely to watch them sleep because it made him happy after a hard nights work. even with the best intentions however,peeping in someones window is a bad thing,and after a while news reports told for people to be on the look out for a peeping tom they dubbed the mourning man.. one night while he was watching a child in bed sleeping the kid spotted him and let out a loud scream to alert her parents.the man tried to escape but the girls father ran him down and captured him.the man begged and pleaded but the girls father was merciless and beat him with to within an inch of his life with his shovel,to which later he died in the hospital.It is said that because of the gruesome circumstances surrounding his death,the ghost of the mourning man still lurks from house to house trying to find open windows or curtains to look in and watch children sleep.they say that if you wake up early while its still dark you may see him ,and if you scream he will drag you to the cemetery and bury with his shovel to keep you quiet forever.... Jenny and her brother got scared when there babysitter told them this story,but they had asked for it and now it was bed time.Go to bed guys she said its just a story I made up there is no mourning man,said the sitter,even if there was tomorrows a school day and you guys will never wake up early enough to see him.with that said she left the two kids alone in the nightlit room and they went on to sleep.many hours later into the night the little girl opened her eyes wide awake and she laid there.she wasnt sure what woke her up but now she was wide awake.suddenly she heard a clang sound from outside,but she didnt dare get she was scared because she started thinking about the mourning man.her back was turned to the window which scared her even more not to know if something WAS there.she closed her eyes and turned over towards the window keeping her eyes shut tight.after taking a moment to get her courage she opens her eyes and gazes at the window,which is completely covered by a blind.she gets up and walks over to the blind and grabs the cord.with a hard yank she pulls up the blind and sees a ghostly looking rotted figure looking in at her with a smile.She immediately drops the blind and runs out of the room and into where her babysitter was sleeping and quietly woke her up someones outside she said and just to humor her the sitter put her back to bed and promised to go check things out...after a few moments the little girl could see the flashlight from outside carried by the sitter but something was strange because she also heard the sitter talking.she got back up and looked out the blinds in time to see the sitter scream before she is beat to death with a shovel an drug away by the mourning man who looks back at the quiet girl smiles and waves....
Posted on: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 04:36:47 +0000

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