sciencedaily/releases/2014/12/141229152226.htm The key element - TopicsExpress


sciencedaily/releases/2014/12/141229152226.htm The key element of this finding is that Neu5Gc increases inflammation. It has yet to be proven that Neu5Gc has a definitive correlation with human cancer (the studies were done on lab animals), but it certainly does make sense to reduce red meat consumption. Sadly, the article offers no advice on how much red meat to eat. In terms of quantity, a safe bet for red meat consumption is not more than 3 oz per day according to Harvard Public Health ( Beef, Lamb and Pork are ideally bought from animals that are raised on grass rather than grain as the meat contains CLA (conjugated linoleic acid - an omega 3 fat). CLA will reduce inflammation in the body like any other Omega 3 Fatty Acid. People also need to make a distinction between red meat they cook themselves and processed meat (cold cuts, hot dogs, bacon, etc) which contain nitrites and nitrates. These preservatives have been shown to be carcinogenic via the formation of nitrosamines.
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 16:21:19 +0000

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