so...13 was the best number Alexis Washington could do 1.I - TopicsExpress


so...13 was the best number Alexis Washington could do 1.I despise grapefruit, raw onions, rutabagas, and beets with a throat will literally close and forbid me to swallow and spit it out in front of people as a I just avoid them all together 2.I will boast about my 13 years as a Girl Scout no matter how lame you people think it may be 3.I was never a bully...I was bullied, so I dont usually take mess from people and I have no issue pretending you dont exist...even if youre in my face screaming my name. I wouldnt advise doing that last part because I have great reflexes 4.Im afraid of animals, but I want a dog so I can name him mayonnaise 5.If I am being texted by people I dont really like and I know you have an iPhone, I open the message so you know Ive seen it, but I dont answer it because you shouldnt have any reason to bother me in the first place 6. I am allergic to shellfish, like bubbly patches show up on my face and whatnot 7. I got my license my freshman year in college only because I lost my wallet and my boyfriend at the time told me I would be extra lame to get a 3rd driving permit 8.I cant stand people of other races that act like their straight out of if youre the urban, but I already dont like ignorant thugs life dudes from my race so I kinda hope that other men of other races will give me some kind of hope for their gender...women too 9. I get road can be me and one other car on the road but the fact that theyre even there will make me mad, honk my horn, curse, and give them the evil eye. This is about 65% why I am still a pedestrian and no one at home wants to let me drive. 10.I cant stand body if I can smell you then we cant really be friends. I will give you 3 chances to smell bad just in case it was a fluke, but if you prove to just be funky not only will i not be your friend but as a civil duty, I will tell people you smell. 11. I burned myself with hot water in the 4th grade dancing to ante up in my kitchen. that big birthmark looking think on my arm is the remainder of my 2nd degree burn that covered almost my entire arm 12.I hate when people talk to me about my breast...hearing people ask me about them gets kinda old 13. 3 of my previous relationships only happened because I had low self esteem, I was a sucker for compliments, and I didnt speak up for myself when I was being treated unfairly
Posted on: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 01:13:52 +0000

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