so, ive been at the MILs house all day, again. was there on Friday - TopicsExpress


so, ive been at the MILs house all day, again. was there on Friday and going back again this friday. its a 3 hour round trip drive, and since her boys took her car keys away from her, shes gotten depressed, and since she WILL not take ANY meds, including the meds to combat the dementia symptoms, the depression is making it progress faster, so, im a handy target. regretfully, i told her sons today, they MUST get on the stick and give me permission to hire Visiting Angels, or some similar company to give me a break because this is the last week i can go more than once a week. shes become down right nasty and hurts my feelings at least once every time im there. today, i was treated like the help. at least the help gets paid for being abused. the gas alone is eating me alive. i tell you, the guilt im feeling about insisting we get someone in to help me out is horrible. she has long term care insurance which will pay almost 100% of the cost, its just that she does not want anyone to come in. lol, she doesnt need any help!, yeah, right. even twice a week is too much as it takes the next day to re-cooperate, so were looking at 4 out of 7 days devoted to someone who now doesnt even seem to appreciate me. she stopped saying thank you once they took her keys because i think she blames me for suggesting they go to the doctors appointment to get her test results with me. frankly, i feel like im damned no matter what i do.
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 23:34:41 +0000

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