so remember when i raised that money towards FFS surgery at the - TopicsExpress


so remember when i raised that money towards FFS surgery at the start of the year? it was majorly stressful and spun me out but did make me value the generosity of spirit of lovely people and help bring back back from the edge of oblivion. anyways im thinking of trying to do it again seeing as im definately going to be inside america sometime around end of feb for the wonderful Janet Bruesselbachs Daughters of Mercury project. im thinking im going to set up another thing to try and get the cash together to go and see the ace dr cardenas in Guadalajara as im on the same continent and hes good and more importantly cheap. its still pretty much the most important thing i have to do in my life, apart from seeing my daughters lead a bloodless (or bloody) anti monarchist revolution... so there you have it. (obviously if i win the lottery or/and the little film business takes off then i can pay back everyone but as its ALL about time..) i was speaking to someone on monday about the doctor in arizona and i already know about raphael in texas but seriously mexico is actually plausibly financially possible.. and forget the bad propaganda mexico is ace
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 01:51:48 +0000

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