so she was always just discouraged and always let down by everyone - TopicsExpress


so she was always just discouraged and always let down by everyone including her sisters brothers dad mom grandparents and friends even the closest ones who soon turned to enemies one night her mom decided to say they were leaving and she wasnt about ready to leave all her so called friends behind cause no matter they let her down she still cared a lot about them . The next day they got ready and started packing but even though they planned to leave in two days it took them about 2 weeks to get everything in order and everything in place but she wasnt ready at all to leave her dad and her little brothers behind so she stayed with him for about 2 more week to stall and stay but even though they almost had everything sorted out her mom came and forced her to leave with her so she had to even though she didnt want to the next few days werent well at all it was more like discipline as she listened to everything her mom said she felt more and more insecure inside cause of the hurtful things her mom would say to her as her emotions flew all over the place she didnt know what to do so she decided to run away for a few night but didnt know where to go so she sat at home and thought for a while and finally decided to go to her cousins that didnt live to far from where she stayed so when she got there she talked to her aunt for a while and made a deal to be there for atleast a week cause she didnt have a strong relationship with her so after 2 days she was on the news reported missing and last place seen was with her mother at her home after seeing that she got worried and went back home when she got there her mom talked and did things no mother should do the next day they finally left but they had difficulties with the car and stopped a lot of times on the way to their destination it took them a week and 1 day to get there when they got there they finally met their brother in law and saw their older sister hey hadnt seen in 5 years who just had a baby and she was now a mom when the girl got enrolled to school she didnt want to go at first but when she went on the first day when she walked into the first class she set eyes on one boy not knowing he would ever mean anything to her the next day she found out he had a girl friend so she decided to give up on him but when she got home she got a new message on kik and only to find it was him the boy she saw that day and he said that he thought she was really pretty but she didnt know how to react so she waited for the next day to find her broke up with his girlfriend and she asked his bestfriend if he wanted to go out with her then his bestfriend came back and said hell answer you tomarrow she couldnt wait so she went to bed early the next day he came up to her and said yes with a smile and hugged her she was lost for a moment but then found out what was going on she was so happy and 9/4/14 was a day she would never forget the past 2 months were so much with him they would get into fights then she would say sorry he would cry then apologize the next day and they would be fine until 11/10/14 happened where he cheated on her and she was so surprised and couldnt believe what he did so she didnt talk to him but soon forgave him and they continued on the next day only to be lied to alittle more then she couldnt take it anymore so she cried herself to sleep for the next 5 nights and didnt speak to him at all until he came up to her and said he was sorry and she soon again forgave him the only thing different this time was that she couldnt trust him as much as she did in the beginning so they just went on to find out one day she was moving schools and she would have to leave him he was devastated when he found out cause she was leaving one day before it would be their 3 month anniversary the next day she was leaving and all her friends and teachers were crying cause they didnt want her to go but what really broke her heart was that she was going to have to leave him behind without seeing him when the day ended they walked out of school together and he gave her a note that read the most beautiful things she ever wanted to hear she gave him her chain and now she takes the note with her everywhere and he wears her chain everyday and thats how they stay in eachothers thoughts even though they are long distance they both promised to remain faithful and loyal until she goes back so now every night they text eachother and after school about eachothers days and they miss eachother a lot but say I love you every morning and every night she hasnt gone back yet but shes ready to go back as soon as possible cause shes dying without him only if her mom could understand how much they loved eachother she would let them visit more but until then they can only see eachother on the weekends and thats MY story so far not yet done but still being written....
Posted on: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 07:38:48 +0000

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