soo...all this week when i come home Lucas has had his lego killer - TopicsExpress


soo...all this week when i come home Lucas has had his lego killer whales in the dogs water bowl. you take them out, and the next day theyre safe in the water again. guess its good that his animal knowledge puts them in the right element. though...with every good there must be a bad. yesterday he discovered a new element. he was playing on the back deck and I was sitting on the couch occasionally watching him through the sliding door. after a couple minutes I thought I saw something and watched him playing with a little bit of mud between his tiny fingers. wait...hes on the deck. there should be no mud. I got up and went to check on him. opened the door, asked him what he was doing. he held his prize up for me to see how interesting it was also. I took his hands, and took a sniff test to test my unmentioned theory. yup...smells like poop to me. Houston, weve got a problem...the kid has discovered the joyful contents of his diaper. took him to the bathroom and removed a layer of skin from his hands and his fingernails so I wouldnt have to scrub under them. but, on a final note, easter was good. finally got around to camping with him and he passed the test. he got into a little mischief at his grandmas when he took a nose dive into the gold fish pond. it looked fun, so I joined him (actually, I took a step in the pond to fish him out and slipped on the algae and down I go). then got into some more mischief at his great uncle Charlies when he had a snake dancing around his ankles. Charlie said it was a black racer...I fished him up there too. also fell and skinned his knee there. fell again the next day at home and skinned it deeper...a little blood. lots of tears. then he tripped on the castle playhouse im building him and put a four inch cut on the same leg. I just dont see how hes gonna survive childhood. it doesnt seem probable.
Posted on: Fri, 25 Apr 2014 21:46:19 +0000

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