speaking of the streets of fire, yesterday I spoke to my friend - TopicsExpress


speaking of the streets of fire, yesterday I spoke to my friend born in 1965 because I visited Pasadena from my new home in los angeles ...he is a homeless blackman like me, im homeless because I gave too much money to other people and invested in myself poorly yet unintentional is my situation of course as a matter of fact I hang out at the science center in exposition park and quite often use their free wifi for my laptop that I bought with my dads inheritance money...from the homeless shelter I come here sometimes during the week via my feet. Anyway, my friend in Pasadena told me he had 300 fights with bullies in Pasadena in the last 4 years. He believes the people at the social security office in Pasadena, the employees there, are trying to set him up via people payed of, like drug attics who are homeless also, or at least some of them I guess, to bully him and to get him to catch a case. He said some people pulled knives out on him, but he tells me his black belt in the martial arts helps him to fight the guys off. He said he knows that the police in Pasadena that question him about the attacks of people on him...they know the guys messing with him are informants who jump him because he is always all alone so the police never take him to jail because they know it its self defense. He told me he saw one car follow him around all day. One of the bullies poisned his dog and his dog got sick but did not die. A lady told him she saw the guy poison his dog about a month ago, but it was not enough poison to kill the dog. In times past this black guy born in 1965 who I talked to yesterday, told me he had to fight off about 4 corrupt police officers about 20 years ago, and again, his black belt in the martial arts saved him from getting hurt. He was let out of jail quickly because the superiors knew those were evil unfair police that was in the bullying business. This black guy has a lot of family in and around Pasadena and Altadena who are Crips and Bloods and he said if anybody messes with him all he has to do is make a phone call and his family will show up, and he says he knows where a lot of haters live so the haters thus dont mess with him. I promised the guy, I would not reveal his name so I wont reveal his name. I told this blackman born in 1965, that I had a problem one time at Villa Park in Pasadena. I was walking through there with 2 Bloods who I met in this life, me and these two Bloods from Pasadena, I wont say there names, but one of these Bloods, is a real O.G., he robbed one of the Big Dope Dealers of timespast in the 1970s...one of Ray Rays People in the past-last thing I heard this Big Dope dealer Ray Ray got life in prison. Anyways, us 3 were walking through villa park, a place were there is a history of hating from the racist Latino gangs that kick it there. We were together walking through this park about a year ago, and we are blackmen ...me and these 2 Bloods I kicked it with that day. The Latino gang members came up to us, riding over to us from the other part of the part about 100 yards away, they got off their bikes, It was 2 of them and they started hating... maybe because we were black or maybe because this one Blood I met had a red rag hanging out his back pocket. Those Latino men, 2 of them that is all there was near us and the rest of the gang was mostly way over on the otherside of the park about 100 yards away. These Latino guys get off their bikes right in front of us and start raising their voices at us and start getting all up in the 2 Bloods I was with ...in their faces but a Latino guy in their gang was about 20 yards away and said that we were not disrespecting anybody. So, only then did the guys listen to leave us alone because they kept on barking at the 2 Blood guys I knew who were the closest to them even though one of the Blood dudes did not say a word. So, Jesus the Lord blessed me that day and I was able to not catch a case and I was able to walk away alive with no fighting needed in that situation. The blackguy born in 1965, mentioned above said there was almost a big gang fight between the black gang members and the Latin gang members in the early 1990s. He said both the blacks and the Mexican/Latino gangs were about to start stabbing each other with there knives but the police did their job that day and showed up and scared away the gang members and prevented a blood bath of human beings. All the gang members started scattering and running from Villa Park when the cops showed up so they would not get arrested. I was told by one of the Bloods with me that day, that the Latin gang members wont harass you or hurt you if youre with your family ...it is like a code of ethics or morals that they have...just a line they wont cross, because when he is their with his girl and his children at villa park then he never gets messed with. Well, I say just in case they get to hating even when your with your family, just avoid the park all together in the first place. My other homeboy who I was not hanging out with that day but is a Blood in Dena...He told me that blacks at that park have been shot at by those Latin gangs in villa park in Pasadena. He told me he wouldnt dare go to racist ass, hatin as villa park ever. Another, homie of mine who is a Blood out there in Pasadena, CA , and I wont say his name either for safety precautions, but he said he had an argument with some hating, racist Mexicans in the pool hall across from Food For Less about 2 months ago and after the argument, he and his homeboy with him ...his homeboy in a wheel chair, they were on their way out of the pool hall and one of the group of the Latin man hit him in the back of the head after he was playing his game of pool and then they started fighting, and that is all I can discreetly and safely say about the situation. And even though the pool hall is in neutral territory in Pasadena ...this crap still happened...and it is sad how ugly racism is. I mean in Pasadena and Altadena there is a strong history of peace among the different races. Pasadena and Altadena is pretty safe in most areas for all the races to hang out with each other and be at peace with one another. Hopefully, a few bad apples dont spread hate and unsafe environment to live in like cancer. There have been some murders and drive by shootings in Pasadena and Altadena..but compared to some cities it is relatively safe to live. My buddy born in 1965 yesterday, told me, that in the USA in some places a black man can not say the word nigga among black people and expect to live. Even my homeboy from Chicago, who was raised in a rough upbringing, said the word nigga is not allowed among blacks in Chicago. The guy yesterday born in 1965 said, violence, and crime is high and it is dangerous to live in Baltimore, Missouri, Washington DC, and two other places I cant remember but he said that even if you say the word nigga you could get killed among blacks being a black person saying that word. Yet, in California it is safe to say the word nigga . Maybe it is because niggas out here, and typically blacks call each other nigga as a term of mutual respect towards each other out here in Cali ...maybe nigga out here has been accepted so widely among blacks and blacks friends when other people of other races use that word because they know their is no ill intent of the word because he knows the nigga regardless of his race...maybe the word nigga out here in California is so widely accepted among people that know each other regardless of their race is because niggas are willing to shoot and kill people for their right to use that word in front of people...basically niggas want people to stay out of their damn business...and people judging and looking for a problem...most likely will find one.
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 18:32:02 +0000

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