sted: 05 Mar 2014 04:54 PM PST can-stock-photo_minutemen - TopicsExpress


sted: 05 Mar 2014 04:54 PM PST can-stock-photo_minutemen Being Ready……………United States Department of Homeland Security Being prepared is almost always a good idea. Proverbs 22:3 A prudent man foresees evil and hides himself from it…… In the times we live in, I’m persuaded we all need to make some preperations for the unexpected. Does that make me a “preper”? Not as some are, but I do believe it is wise to have a savings, have food enough for at least a month in your storage, water source, back up heat source, first aid kit, yes, maybe even a gun with ammo. firstaidkit We are all bombarded with thoughts of others each day. Some come by way of phone, some by way of newspaper, magazines, tv news, billboard images, signs, ……..even blogs! :) Other peoples thoughts, sometimes they stir us to faith, confidence, action, and others produce within our minds, fear, caution, and retreat. Folks that always seem to want to cause drama drama We all want to live as wisely as we know how, yet some advise just doesn’t help. There is a sense of alarm in our nation. We all know things are not quite right. It’s Just common sense, you can’t spend on credit, over and over and over, and it not come due. Spiritual law is higher than natural law and always wins out in the end, The law of gravity says what goes up, must come down. Though an airplane weighing tons can defy gravity with the law of lift, it will only do so, until it runs out of fuel, and then gravity regains control and pulls that mass of metal to the ground. Likewise is the law of the seed, that of, sowing and reaping……. The seed will produce after it’s kind, and what you sow, will grow and will produce, sometime, somewhere, somehow,…………it’s a law of this universe. Even the bible gives reference to this in Galatians 6:7 Be it individuals , nations, or governments , the higher law will eventually rule. So, we can see these things, and know……..somewhere each choice, decision, action, will have a reaping. Example: We as individuals, can not borrow money and keep borrowing, and not pay it back. We can be assured, that a day of reckoning will come and we will either pay, bankrupt and plead mercy, or go to jail. Neither can governments. It will come due, and a day of reckoning will arrive. Sadly our American government has been spending beyond it’s means to pay back for quite some time, “we the people” , have been obligated to so much debt and spending that we didn’t agree to that we can never possibly pay it off. History is lined with story after story of collasped governments who did the same. Oh How I wish our leaders would of learned from those examples, but rather they think, ” It could never happen here “. ( Such stupidity ) We are trillions of dollars in debt and still spending like we have the ‘midas touch’. Reaping must come, somehow, someway………(.and that’s just one of many areas, where there is cause for alarm and prayer) I have been aware of the “DHS” ( Department of Homeland Security ) for some time but never really gave it a serious United States Department of Homeland Security look, to understand, who, or what it is. Recently I’ve been reading different articles making it look like a villain, and a threat to us all. These articles suggest that this group is up to no good and can’t be trusted. So, I started asking around to the folks around me, “who is the Homeland Security” , (are they like a second army ? ) and few really knew anything. Some could tell me maybe this or maybe that, so I decided to investigate, learn, and decide for myself what to think. Here’s what I found……….. The Department of Homeland Security was created in 2011 by President George W. Bush, by executive order, without objection from congress, 11 days after the attacks on 9/11. It went into effect 11/25/2002. Prior to it’s creation, the role it plays was divided between 40 different government agencies, with all usual red tape. When emergencies took place in our nation, it took days to get some action from most of them. The intent of the President was to create a government agency that could bypass all the ‘BS’, and respond to a disaster, attack, or terrorism immediately. Then prepare, have people and a plan in place so as to not get “caught with our pants down” again. To have an agency who’s roll was to watch, guard, protect and respond swiftly. Watching our borders, who’s coming in with what, why and how? To enforce policies that would keep America a secure/safe place to live. A number of existing agencies were put under it’s supervision and authority, including The Coast Guard, Customs and Border Patrol, FEMA, TSA, Bio Defense, All Cyber Security, Chemical and Radioactive security, Intelligence and Counterterrorism effort. The National Guard with matters inside this country. ( actually about 187 pre-existing agencies ). The FBI is to supply them with whatever info. they have, so DHS can do their job effectively . This department is responsible for all emergency preparation, and emergency responsiveness in case of natural disaster, or attack. They are not a secret society or secret government agency, they post jobs for folks with all kinds of skills, from computer operators, lawyers, accountants, engineers, to security officers. Any citizen can apply and get a job with them. Many of their positions do require a 4 year degree. To become a security officer with them requires a degree in criminal justice, or a 4 year program they offer, be in good physical condition, and have a squeaky clean background. ( no felons allowed ) This department is now one of the largest government employers with 230,000 employed. The reason, they are buying ammo is to be prepared for an attack. The reason they have purchased emergency food rations is to be prepared for an emergency! That’s their job, to be ready to respond, just like some of the “prepers” who accuse them of mischief. As one man put it ” Dig your well before your thirsty”. Could this branch of the government be misused? Yes,.. as they all can, and have been. ( and are!) Yet, in it’s intended form, I believe it is good, and a blessing to our nation. At least now, I have a fuller understanding of who “they are”, where they came from, and what they are designed to do…………..hopefully……….now you do too! :) Shalom
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 07:49:51 +0000

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