step 1 mysqldump --skip-lock-tables --single-transaction -p - TopicsExpress


step 1 mysqldump --skip-lock-tables --single-transaction -p zarafa > zarafa.dump ini script ap ya kog gk bisa msaasak mie sendiri .... step 2 --single-transaction --skip-opt --add-drop-table --create-options --extended-insert --quick --set-charset step 3 #!/bin/bash # # Modify the variables below to your need # Mysql Credentials MyUSER=mysqluser MyPASS=password MyHOST=mysqlhost MYSQL=$(which mysql) # Owner of mysql backup dir OWNER=root # Group of mysql backup dir GROUP=root # Backup all existing databases DBS=$($MYSQL -u $MyUSER -h $MyHOST -p$MyPASS -Bse show databases) # Or specify which databases to backup #DBS=mysql zarafa # DO NOT BACKUP these databases IGGY=test # Backup Dest directory, change this if you have someother location DEST=/path/to/backup/dir # mysqldump parameters DUMP_OPTS=-Q --skip-lock-tables --single-transaction # Send Result EMail SEND_EMAIL=1 NOTIFY_EMAIL=user@domain NOTIFY_SUBJECT=MySQL Backup Notification # Delete old backups DELETE_OLD_BACKUPS=1 DELETE_BACKUPS_OLDER_THAN_DAYS=10 # Usually there is no need to modify the variables below # Linux bin paths, change this if it cant be autodetected via which command MYSQLDUMP=$(which mysqldump) GREP=$(which grep) CHOWN=$(which chown) CHMOD=$(which chmod) GZIP=$(which gzip) MAIL=$(which mail) FIND=$(which find) DF=$(which df) # Get hostname HOST=$(hostname) # Get data in yyyy-mm-dd format NOW=$(date +%Y%m%d) # Function for generating Email function gen_email { DO_SEND=$1 TMP_FILE=$2 NEW_LINE=$3 LINE=$4 if [ $DO_SEND -eq 1 ]; then if [ $NEW_LINE -eq 1 ]; then echo $LINE >> $TMP_FILE else echo -n $LINE >> $TMP_FILE fi fi } # Main directory where backup will be stored if [ ! -d $DEST ]; then mkdir -p $DEST # Only $OWNER.$GROUP can access it! $CHOWN $OWNER:$GROUP -R $DEST $CHMOD 0750 $DEST fi # Create backup directory MBD=$DEST/$NOW if [ ! -d $MBD ]; then mkdir $MBD # Only $OWNER.$GROUP can access it! $CHOWN $OWNER:$GROUP -R $MBD $CHMOD 0750 $MBD fi # Temp Message file TMP_MSG_FILE=/tmp/$RANDOM.msg if [ $SEND_EMAIL -eq 1 -a -f $TMP_MSG_FILE ]; then rm -f $TMP_MSG_FILE fi set -o pipefail # Start backing up databases STARTTIME=$(date +%s) for db in $DBS do skipdb=-1 if [ $IGGY != ]; then for i in $IGGY do [ $db == $i ] && skipdb=1 || : done fi if [ $skipdb == -1 ] ; then FILE=$MBD/$db.$HOST.$NOW # do all inone job in pipe, # connect to mysql using mysqldump for select mysql database # and pipe it out to gz file in backup dir :) $MYSQLDUMP $DUMP_OPTS -u $MyUSER -h $MyHOST -p$MyPASS $db | $GZIP -9 > $FILE.gz ERR=$? if [ $ERR != 0 ]; then NOTIFY_MESSAGE=Error: $ERR, while backing up database: $db else NOTIFY_MESSAGE=Successfully backed up database: $db fi gen_email $SEND_EMAIL $TMP_MSG_FILE 1 $NOTIFY_MESSAGE echo $NOTIFY_MESSAGE fi done ENDTIME=$(date +%s) DIFFTIME=$(( $ENDTIME - $STARTTIME )) DUMPTIME=$(($DIFFTIME / 60)) minutes and $(($DIFFTIME % 60)) seconds. # Empty line in email and stdout gen_email $SEND_EMAIL $TMP_MSG_FILE 1 echo # Log Time gen_email $SEND_EMAIL $TMP_MSG_FILE 1 mysqldump took: ${DUMPTIME} echo mysqldump took: ${DUMPTIME} # Empty line in email and stdout gen_email $SEND_EMAIL $TMP_MSG_FILE 1 echo # Delete old backups if [ $DELETE_OLD_BACKUPS -eq 1 ]; then find $DEST -maxdepth 1 -mtime +$DELETE_BACKUPS_OLDER_THAN_DAYS -type d | $GREP -v ^$DEST$ | while read DIR; do gen_email $SEND_EMAIL $TMP_MSG_FILE 0 Deleting: $DIR: echo -n Deleting: $DIR: rm -rf $DIR ERR=$? if [ $ERR != 0 ]; then NOTIFY_MESSAGE=ERROR else NOTIFY_MESSAGE=OK fi gen_email $SEND_EMAIL $TMP_MSG_FILE 1 $NOTIFY_MESSAGE echo $NOTIFY_MESSAGE done fi # Empty line in email and stdout gen_email $SEND_EMAIL $TMP_MSG_FILE 1 echo # Add disk space stats of backup filesystem if [ $SEND_EMAIL -eq 1 ]; then $DF -h $DEST >> $TMP_MSG_FILE fi $DF -h $DEST # Sending notification email if [ $SEND_EMAIL -eq 1 ]; then $MAIL -s $NOTIFY_SUBJECT $NOTIFY_EMAIL < $TMP_MSG_FILE rm -f $TMP_MSG_FILE fi
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 06:53:38 +0000

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