take your diet correctly Many athletes rightly wonder about - TopicsExpress


take your diet correctly Many athletes rightly wonder about what should be the proper diet after a workout . After all, the correct ratio of nutrients depends not only on the effectiveness of training , but also the overall health of the athlete. To begin with a few words about the regime meal before exercise , because the right start sets the tone for the upcoming power after trenirovkitrenirovke . It is known that experienced athletes never eat just before loads and organize a meal for about 1.5-2 hours before the time classes start . Moreover, on the eve of training correctly give preference to products rich useful, or as they say nutritionists , slow carbohydrates. At the same protein components also have high importance of the right balance of quality and quantity depends on the saturation of the bodys essential amino acids . In turn , eating fatty foods before visiting the gym is contraindicated. The main problem is that fatty food is digested slowly and its long presence in the stomach for an athlete becomes more than a burden . In the list of dishes recommended shortly before training includes cereal porridge, chicken breast or turkey , vegetables, salads and fresh fruit. When before class is less than 40 minutes - to take food is not worth it . The right solution at the moment would be a small amount of strong coffee , which will become an additional source of energy .What and how to eat According to the rules of supply after a workout , the first meal should take place as soon as you leave the gym . If we neglect this recommendation for a long time , the effect of training is minimized . All being done by your work will focus exclusively on fat burning , and the desired increase in muscle mass will have to wait very long. Remember that everything you ate in the first quarter of an hour after school , will contribute to the increase in muscle and normalization of muscle tissue. This is due to the fact that fats interfere with the absorption of carbohydrates into the bloodstream , which may adversely affect the condition of your muscles . If possible , limit the consumption of pork , because of the high percentage of fat that meat should not even enter into the diet of an athlete. Try to concentrate on dietary meats, they will be much more useful for you . When choosing food after exercise and should not be carried away by dairy products, since most of them fat is at least 5%. For about 2 hours from the end of training is better to forget about products that contain caffeine , whether it is pure coffee , cocoa or chocolate. This feature inhibits the action of insulin , which ultimately hinders access of glycogen in muscle tissue. Even if your workouts are mainly in the morning , it is advisable to wait a couple of hours and then later , with peace of mind , enjoy a cup of coffee. Better to drink coffee before class , as we have said , it will help you keep longer vitality. Balanced diet during training - the key to well-being and quick results
Posted on: Fri, 14 Feb 2014 12:04:46 +0000

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