the enemy come, we soldiers will do block, not just many people - TopicsExpress


the enemy come, we soldiers will do block, not just many people can mean lawlessness! (Sing Tao Daily) A tragic scene of three police battled in 200 demonstrators staged at Dragon road! Three policemen yesterday early this morning arrested one demonstrator after he threw water bottles to road, 200 demonstrators rushed out to Dragon road surrounded three police, threatened well, release people can safety go, then once pushed and hit them, three police for insisted law enforcement, waved stick recalcitrant, 200 demonstrators refused to give a way, after half an hour, number of police officers end the surrounded scene, success escort the 3 policemen away arrested the suspicious one. A besieged police inspector stressed: the enemy come, we soldiers will do block, not just many people can mean lawlessness! Police retrocession Dragon road yesterday early morning , part of demonstrators about at one oclock attempts to heavy claimed the road again, more youth have threw coins to outside the Dragon road, then bashing out to the road picked up their coins, in order to blocked vehicles through, some officers constantly drove and command traffic, soon one 38 years old man bursting threw out two litres loaded glue bottles, throwing in a driving car, caused dangerous, a Hong Kong Island charge team Senior Inspector surname Chen , and sheriff and a undercover police total three people sees, to suspected in public place disrupt public order, rushed into the crowd to arrest this man, the result event raised surrounded the 3 police officers. 200 demonstrators found 3 police attempts to arrest this man, immediately ran out on Dragon road, heavy surrounded the 3 police , and constantly chanted release people, undercover police sees the arrested suspicious man want to run the hardly caught the arrested man, Senior Inspector and the Sheriff both bright out baton, only demonstrators not stop but once more to push and hit 3 police officers, course arrested who while mess attempts to fled, undercover police timely pulled him back, used personal body pressure to put the suspicious on ground, and the remaining 2 police swinging batons against protesters to invade, the Sheriff wields the stick, he took out radio for reinforcements, but because of the scene shouting sound was too loud, police did not know their exact location. 3 police arrested the man disorderand endanger the road but surrounded by 200 demonstrators Stick tough after a long period of several uniformed officers through the crowd, demonstrators was refused to give a way, when officers rushed out of the crowd, demonstrators shouted stand and hold, the scene is very chaotic, woman in back shouted, indecent assault, and beat. Dozens of heavily armed police officers who rushed in after half an hour, police all the way to success of forced demonstrators to give a way, arrested man was sent on a police car, three police officers sustained minor injuries during surrounded by demonstrators, and was later admitted to hospital for treatment. Demonstrators discontent police arrested action, have blocking road refused to left, officers sees column into wall step by step on police procedurals, all umbrella resist, officers have once cast pepper spray disperse crowd, and arrested one 24 age man suspected to hit police, soon all other demonstrators returned pedestrian road, police then built up men chain, prevent blocking road again, some officers subsequently use water to help in the pepper demonstrators flush eye, all subsequently to gradually gone in the morning. In danger still believes fellow will do rescue The Senior Inspector surname Chen last night said, he and two partners was surrounded in the chaos have suffered many fists, but they only waved stick playing impact, keep the restraint, they call reinforcements, due to site noise loud, the station cannot heard where is location, make rescue delay, but they although body stuck danger, but never intends to gave up law enforcement, so didnt wants to let the suspicious escape, and more believes with fellows will came to rescue, when we saw large different sector fellows arrived, our mood is excited at that moment! Junction of Nathan Road and Argyle Street in Mong Kok clashed in the evening, during which someone allegedly stole police batons and eventually taken away by the police uniforms. Police also noticed that some people called for a Flash to occupy the road surface block roads on social media. On 15th. night, a group of young people wearing masks, suddenly rushed into a junction in Central, demolishing the police cordon and put trash in the streets, then dispersed. Senior Superintendent of the police public relations branch says, which posed a threat to the safety of themselves and other road users, seriously affecting social order, will affect the day-to-day service to the public on the police force. Police strongly condemns these acts of lacking civic mindedness as selfish. To be decisive law enforcement by the police, never back down! --- Senior Inspector Chen bravely to resist 200 people, feeling torn occupation lead to social pressure, society and human values have been twisted, effect the police law enforcement on all sorts of obstruction. But he stressed that the police force is not discouraged, and yesterday was in the siege, all show mutual trust and solidarity between colleagues, he also appealed to colleagues to exercise restraint while facing law enforcement, must keep the faith. 「兵來將擋,唔係人多聲大就可以無王管!」    (星島日報報道)金鐘龍和道上演三警「苦戰」二百示威者的悲壯一幕!三名警務人員昨凌晨拘捕一名扔水樽往馬路的示威者後,大批示威者衝出龍和道包圍三警,揚言「唔放人唔使旨意走」,並一度推撞他們,三警為堅持執法,揮棍頑抗,眾人雖舉起雙手,但拒絕讓路,半句鐘後,大批警員終衝入重圍支援,成功護送同袍帶走被捕者。其中一名被圍督察強調:「兵來將擋,唔係人多聲大就可以無王管!」   警方前日凌晨「光復」龍和道後,部分示威者昨凌晨約一時企圖「重奪」該道路,多名青年先後扔硬幣往特首辦對開龍和道,之後撲出馬路拾錢,以阻塞車輛通過,多名警員不斷驅趕和指揮交通,不久一名三十八歲男子突扔出兩公升裝膠水樽,擲中一輛駛過的私家車,險象環生,港島區衝鋒隊姓陳高級督察、警長和便衣警共三人見狀,以涉嫌在公眾地方擾亂公共秩序為由,先後衝入人群將其拘捕,結果引發包圍警員事件。   消息稱,二百名示威者發現三警企圖帶被捕男子上警車後,馬上走出龍和道馬路上,將三警重重包圍,並不斷高呼「放人」,便衣警見狀死抓被捕者不放,高級督察及警長則亮出警棍,惟示威者未肯就範,更一度湧上前推撞警員,其間被捕者趁亂企圖逃走,便衣警及時扯回後,身貼身將其壓於地上,以防「走犯」,其餘兩警則揮出亂棍,阻截示威者進犯,警長更一邊揮棍,一邊拿出對講機要求增援,但據悉因現場叫罵聲浪巨大,警方未得悉他們具體位置。   拘擲水樽漢 反遭包圍   持棍「苦戰」多時後,多名軍裝警穿過人群趕至,示威者雖然舉起雙手,但拒絕讓路,警員欲衝出重圍時,示威者大叫「頂住」,場面十分混亂,身處後排的女子更先後大喊「非禮」及「打人」。數十名全副武裝的警員,終在半小時後趕至,眾警將成功逼使示威者讓路,被捕男子遭警員押上警車時,疑因受過度驚嚇幾乎暈倒,遭包圍三警因受輕傷,其後被送院治理。   不滿警方拘捕行動的示威者,一直堵路拒絕離去,警員見狀列成人牆步步進逼,眾人打傘抵擋,有警員一度施放胡椒噴霧驅散人群,並拘捕一名二十四歲涉嫌襲警的男子,不久眾人退回行人路,警方則於路築起人鏈,防範眾人堵路,有警員其後以清水為「中椒」男示威者沖洗眼部,眾人其後至清晨時陸續散去。   身陷險境 堅信同袍營救   遭圍困的姓陳高級督察昨晚表示,他和兩名同袍遭包圍時,混亂中吃了不少拳頭,但他們只揮棍打衝擊者的手腳,保持了克制,他們致電增援時,因現場聲浪大,對方未聽到是在龍和道那一段路面,令救援有所延誤,但他們雖身陷險境,但從未打算放棄執法,因此沒想過「放犯」脫身,更堅信同袍會前來營救,「大批不同部門夥記趕到那一刻,心情十分激動!」 旺角彌敦道及亞皆老街交界晚上再發生衝突,期間有人涉嫌搶走警員的警棍,最終被警員制服帶走。 警方還留意到,有人在社交媒體號召以「快閃」方式佔據路面堵塞道路。15日晚,一批戴面具和口罩的青年,突然沖入中環一路口,拆毀警方封鎖線,並把垃圾桶搬到馬路上,隨即四散。員警公共關係科高級警司江敏強說,這種行為對自身及其他道路消費者的安全構成威脅,嚴重影響社會秩序,會影響警隊向市民大眾提供日常服務。警方強烈譴責這些缺乏公德的自私行為。 「警察要果斷執法,絕不退讓!」有份勇抗二百人的姓陳高級督察,感慨佔領行動引發社會撕裂,連價值觀也被扭曲,影響警方執法遇到種種阻撓。但他強調警隊上下未有氣餒,在昨日被圍困事件中,盡顯同袍之間的互信與團結,他亦呼籲同袍保持克制之餘,面對執法,必須堅持信念。
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 14:05:46 +0000

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