the most important part of conducting human testing discretely - TopicsExpress


the most important part of conducting human testing discretely is to place as much distance between you the sponsor of these tests-..and those you must seek to perform such tests not only is it essential to out source the tests but one must also convolute the essence of the research and acquired data in such a way that various universities and medical associations and groups and corporations will only know about a small sliver of the big picture so one must early on chose wisely what dummy companies one needs to set up and what data needs to be falsified in advance also which streams of hard copy soft copy true statement false statements might need to be doctored . ..this can be done by always keeping in mind that the main goal is to get the human studies as far away form their initial source and basic reasoning to preform such studies as possible.. so .one should constantly switch initiatives...change issues into non issues and back again ..suggest at first all data is being done for medical reasons . than back peddle that all studies are focusing on academic theory. Next set up special interest groups act as ethical watch dogs...than confirm that for financial reasons you can only do research out of country make..this company fold and divide ones research into fields that on the surface have nothing whatsoever to do with with a legislator to stop the very work you are doing .than once again fold or buy another company. Go public with information 15 years old..and remember to always say this type of science wont be possible for another 15 years...go back to academia...and seek options overseas. Go public that the work you have done with monkeys...has made you have to refocus on ethics before moving forward to human trials. lose or data..claim your research is ...transitioning ..move headquarters to yet another country quick start up quicker buy false loses than false gain for .dummy companies to keep agencies off point agencies most importantly when one is conducting human experiments ..make every thing so confusing that eventually even the source of the initiated outsourcing can truly say without faltering I have not the slightest clue what is or was going on in the small lecture hall Dr R***** banged on the green blackboard he used specifically as an visual referential that was meant to imply wholesomequalities of some broadcast or actual representation of school house fundamentals using a pointing stick to deliberately cause auditory imprint with his purposely severe tone meant to instill on future change agents- 1.DO NOT THINK OF THE SUBJECT AS A HUMAN BEING 2.NEVER WORRY IF A SUBJECT BLATHERS ON ABOUT SO CALLED HUMAN TESTING OR goes on a campaign against psychotronics or cybernetics NEVER WORRY IF A SUBJECT tells a Dr., hires a lawyer or writes to a congressman or state representative always remember! it comes to nothing... never in my 4 decades with this agency has anything whatsoever come from full or partial disclosure from a subject. no matter How much they knowor think they know ...The subjects are inevitably taken to be either psychotic or schizophrenic*.. their rigorous campaigns to prove their normalcy in fact often escalate their problems concerning legitimacy (someone put something in my mind..someone put something in my drinkDr R**** said in a childlike voice and the crowd laughed, the crowd of students who would be placing somethingin somebodys drink I think somebody did something very naughty to me Dr R**** went on,his voice even more childlike when he stuck his thumb in his mouth..I think I was violated .. I tink I saw a puddy cat .I tink someone put computer chips in my brain) Turning serious Dr R**** asked the change agents in the lecture hall,DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT PEOPLE? do you I am explaining to you that no matter WHAT a Targeted Individual SAYS... YOU will always be SAFE ..Ive often wondered myself if someone Tagged me with apps if I would say something to anyone.. and if I did how it would sound... but truthfully I cannot because I and I expect anyone here in the audience simply WOULD never be BRANDED NON PERSON enough to be on the wrong end of Humane testing. That is what we call it... Hu mane Tesing Never Human testing I would like everyone to repeat after me Humane Testing The SUBJECTS perceived indignities caused to them INCREASE substantially when various threshold tests are conducted concerning Mind Assuagement cause many of subjects have a melt down ,inevitably they make a public display of themselves ,this only helps OUR case. Not theirs. Dr R***** sipped a glass of water and spoke in a manner that is casual and intimate, I remember a young woman,a subject literally picketing the ***dept for 4 weeks all the while neurally interfacing her mentors she intended to light herself on fire .as some kind of diminutive gesture against Neurotronic testing ...could you imagine?Could you imagine lighting yourself on fire and nobody believing a word you have said?not your friends ,not your husband ,not your family...why i even felt for the poor woman myself. Inevitably these Suffragette types will make matters worse for themselves in the courts,hospitals and everything in between as their lives become a objective lesson in diminishing returns...we do like a record...we do like to cover our asses...and we do like an open file of discredit-ification.. .which means a Psychological happeningshould present ever 2 or 3 years if for no other reason than continuity...they become used to the voices and visions but do not worry a disintegration of self occurs nonetheless .do not give up that a full mental breakdown can also present through secondary symptoms of albeit synthesized schizophrenia-------Never ever Think of these subjects as people..THIS is what they want you to do,this is how they manipulate YOU. Obviously whoever procured these subjects had damn good reason for not identifying them as peopleand there fore neither should YOU
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 02:54:43 +0000

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