the thing is... law enforcement officers have become firing - TopicsExpress


the thing is... law enforcement officers have become firing squads... carrying out executions... the Department of Homeland Security recently... released an official document directed to all law enforcement... wherein it called American citizens terrorists... when it calls anyone a terrorist... it automatically has the right to murder them without a court order... this is why Homeland Security is very frightening... our law enforcement agencies are no longer public servants... they no longer are employed by us to protect/ serve us... they are being trained in Israel... outfitted as an internal military under the direction of Homeland Security... Homeland Security is not a public servant of the citizens... Homeland Security exists solely to protect the government from any/ all... who would threaten the authority of the government/ its right to exist... this is being done in any/ all ways necessary... when you dress/ equip/ train the police as soldiers in a war zone... they act like soldiers in a war zone... the war has turned against the American citizens... any/ all perceptions of threat against a law enforcement agent... even verbal protest/ lack of 100% loyalty/ submission... now labels the citizen a terrorist... gives the authority the right to murder without cause for arrest... without trial/ prosecution... or even need to ascertain anything about the circumstance of the citizen... citizens have been murdered when it was the citizen... placing the call for assistance from the authorities... we must stop trying to press charges against individual officers... they will always be ruled justified as acting according to their training... responding appropriately to feeling threatened... we must unite to press charges against the rulers... those passing these laws... those publishing these internal documents... we must NOT vote for any of them... we must STOP hiring the/ empowering them/ paying for them... we must insist on an Article V convention... pass amendments that restore the goverment to the citizen... the missing 13th amendment... an amendment that gives power to decide... each/ every issue in the budget by the states... money spent in full disclosure according to majority desire of the citizens...
Posted on: Sat, 01 Nov 2014 13:07:22 +0000

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