there is a simple solution - pelosi needs to write up a bill that - TopicsExpress


there is a simple solution - pelosi needs to write up a bill that opens up the border completely and give citizenship to everyone on the planet. just do it. We either need to enforce the laws we have or abolish them - all this bullshit posturing is adolescent. Liberals had no problem with scooping up little Elijah and send him back to Cuba. Send everyone of those illegals back with a chip in them. I still say about 20 million like minded brothers and sisters should go into Mexico and take it over. Kill the cartel completely and any corrupt government officials. Open up the beach front and tourism, drill for oil and gas, move factories there, give corporations tax free status, and become the central American banking center- the Switzerland of the Americas. Have a flat income tax and start our own drug interdiction force. We confiscate anything and everything from illegal drug and human trafficking. All assets. Wouldnt that throw a wrench into the rolex of the world order!
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 00:10:01 +0000

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