this should be a really powerful / interesting new moon coming up. - TopicsExpress


this should be a really powerful / interesting new moon coming up. new / full moons in Cancer are always very important since the moon is in its domicile while in Cancer, many astrologers feel like the moon is the most powerful in this sign. the sign Cancer is " ruled " by the moon, which means that the moon is the planet which most directly relates to the energy of that sign. the moon is considered to be the emotional unconscious side of ourselves in a sense, so that is why the sign Cancer ( probably the most emotional sign ) goes along so well with the moon. the 48 hours before the new moon hits is a very bad time to start anything new, and often times we will feel tired and need more rest than ordinary. the 48 ( might last longer ) time period after the new moon hits is a great time to meditate and visualize what you want, start new ideas / projects, and get things accomplished. often times people feel higher levels of energy during the time periods after the new and full moons. this new moon will also be interesting since it will be forming a conjunction ( thats when planets are right next to each other, or close enough for it to make a difference ) with Mercury which is currently retrograde in Cancer. this is of particular interest regarding the past and past issues ( even though its a new moon lol ) since during Mercury Rx it is really a time to reflect about the past, lay low, dont start new things, and we often find things from our past ( problems, people, etc ) magnetize themselves to us during Mercury Rx... and, Cancer is also a sign which deals directly with the past and not being able to overcome / forget about the past, its related to the emotional nature of the sign. So i find myself wondering, how should i approach this new moon... since its kind of an old moon in a sense ? it really doesnt matter for me personally, i will be using this new moon to focus on improving my health, as i do with most new / full moon time periods. the lunar cycle is extremely important and it can be used to help you accomplish your goals and magnetize the things that you want / need towards yourself.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Jul 2013 08:19:04 +0000

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